Tagasi otsingusse
Gaillard, 1978

Révision de lichnogenere Coprulus Richter & Richter, 1939, et description de quelques nouvelles espèces du Jurassique supérieur

Gaillard, C.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Coprulus, described by R. Richter & E. Richter (1939a) is very abundant in the Oxfordian marls and muddy limestones of the French Jura Mountains. These small cylindrical calcareous bodies are characterised by longitudinal grooves. They have been often found in washings but are also visible in thin sections. Coprulus is rarely mentioned by micropaleontologists but its stratigraphical and geographical range is certainly very extended. Often considered as Problematica, this trace fossil has been differently interpreted. This work confirms and specifies the results of F. Gramann (1966): Coprulus represents a fecal pellet of a deposit-feeder mollusc (Nuculidae?). Three new ichnospecies are described herein and the ichnogenus Coprulus is compared with Bactryllium, Coptocampylodon and Tomaculum.

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