Tagasi otsingusse
Soufiane & Achab, 2000a

Chitinozoan zonation of the Late Ordovician and the Early Silurian of the island of Anticosti, Québec, Canada

Soufiane, A., Achab, A.
AjakiriReview of Palaeobotany and Palynology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


A reappraisal of chitinozoan distribution across the Ordovician-Silurian boundary on the Island of Anticosti has led to the recognition of a new zone, the Ancyrochitina ellisbayensis biozone, in the uppermost part of the Ellis Bay Formation. This biozone lies between the well defined Upper Ordovician Spinachitina taugourdeaui biozone and the lowest Silurian (Rhuddanian) Plectochitina nodifera biozone of the Becscie Formation. The occurrence of such diagnostic species as P. nodifera, Belonechitina postrobusta, Conochitina electa and Ancyrochitina ramosaspina in the Lower Silurian of Anticosti points to a close similarity to faunas in Estonia and north Latvia and indicates an age ranging from the Parakidograptus acuminatus to the Coronograptus cyphus in terms of graptolite zones. The chitinozoan biozonation harmonizes with that based on conodonts and, to a lesser extent, with the known graptolite faunal succession. Five new species: Ancyrochitina ellisbayensis sp. nov., Clathrochitina postconcinna sp. nov., Conochitina gunriveris sp. nov., Clathrochitina perexilis sp. nov., Bursachitina basiconcava sp. nov. and three species in open nomenclature are described.

Viimati muudetud: 10.9.2024
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