Tagasi otsingusse
Donovan et al., 2015b
The Boring Cunctichnus probans Fürsich, Palmer and Goodyear, 1994, from the Type Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous, Northeast Belgium)
Donovan, S. K., Jagt, J. W. M., Nieuwenhuis, E. S. K.
DOI | 10.1080/10420940.2014.988211 |
Aasta | 2015 |
Ajakiri | Ichnos |
Köide | 22 |
Number | 1 |
Leheküljed | 19-21 |
Tüüp | artikkel ajakirjas |
Keel | inglise |
Id | 8721 |
The ichnogenus Cunctichnus Fürsich, Palmer and Goodyear, 1994 is monotypic, its type ichnospecies, C. probans Fürsich, Palmer and Goodyear, 1994, having hitherto been described solely from the Upper Jurassic (Tithonian) of southern England and the Paris Basin. Cunctichnus probans is recorded herein from the type Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) of the province of Liège, northeast Belgium, that is, about 75 million years younger than previous published records. This specimen differs from the holotype in having a Y-shaped branch.
Viimati muudetud: 1.1.2025