The Luusika potential field anomaly, eastern Estonia: modelling results
DOI | 10.3176/earth.2018.18 |
Aasta | 2018 |
Ajakiri | Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences |
Köide | 67 |
Number | 4 |
Leheküljed | 228-237 |
Tüüp | artikkel ajakirjas |
OpenAccess | |
Litsents | CC BY 4.0 |
Eesti autor | |
Keel | inglise |
Id | 8787 |
This study considers the anomalous gravity and magnetic fields in the Alutaguse petrological–structural domain, eastern Estonia. A 10 km wide local maximum (+6.26 mGal) Bouguer anomaly field was discovered at 58.96°N, 26.61°E from the ground gravity data by the Estonian Land Board in 2010–2011. The ground magnetic field intensity measurements indicated a positive magnetic anomaly of 600 nT, in addition to the local gravity maximum. Based on depth estimations, the centre of the anomaly source is placed at 2500–3000 m within the ~1.8 to 1.9 Ga Svecofennian basement. To provide information on the physical properties of the causative source of the anomalies, the geophysical modelling of potential fields was carried out by testing a number of lithologies as sources. The lithologies considered were the known post-orogenic and anorogenic magmatic intrusions in the Estonian basement, as well as typical metamorphic rocks of the Alutaguse domain. The obtained models indicate that the Luusika feature has a range of densities from 2760 to 2920 kg/m3 and magnetic susceptibilities from 20 000× 0–6 to 56 000×10–6 SI. These models suggest that the Luusika causative source is an intermediate to the mafic rock unit, similar to post-orogenic or anorogenic massifs of the Svecofennian basement of Estonia.