Tagasi otsingusse
Orłowski, 1989

Trace fossils in the Lower Cambrian sequence in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains, Central Poland

Orłowski, S.
AjakiriActa Palaeontologica Polonica
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The Cambrian sequence of the Świętokrzyskie Mts. (Holy Cross Mts.) is rich both in body fossils and trace fossils. The paper presents results of examination of all Lower Cambrian trace fossils except trilobite traces. The Lower Cambrian trace fossils include 19 ichnogenera (19 ichnospecies). Four new trace fossils have been described: Multilamella spattosa ichnogen. et ichnosp. n, Elingua convexa ichnogen. et ichnosp. n., Cochlichnus annulatus ichnosp. n., and Cylindrichnus operosus ichnosp. n. The trace fossil communities were used to characterize the environmental conditions for each formation recognized in the Lower Cambrian sequence of the Świętokrzyskie Mts.

Viimati muudetud: 22.11.2023
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