Tagasi otsingusse
Voigt & Soule, 1973

Cretaceous burrowing bryozoans

Voigt, E., Soule, J. D.
AjakiriJournal of Paleontology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


On the course of current investigations by the senior author, a number of fossil Cretaceous burrowing bryozoans were found in shells and other calcareous tests. Assignment of the fossil colonies to appropriate genera was made by utilizing polyester mold techniques for comparison with living species. New species described are: Ctenostomata- Terebripora (?) bassleri, n. sp., T. (?) echinicola, n. sp. and T. (?) sibirica, n. sp., Foraripora pesavis n. g. n. sp.; Cheilostomata-Penetrantia gosaviensis, n. sp. Cretaceous burrowing bryozoans have received little attention, except for Terebripora prima (Voigt, 1962) from the Maastrichtian of the USSR, which is a possible synonym of Talpina pungens (Quenstedt, 1849). Graysonia Stephenson and Talpina von Hagenow are considered to be doubtful as bryozoan tracings. A synopsis of all Cretaceous species assigned to the Ctenostomata is given.

Viimati muudetud: 19.11.2022
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