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Noffke & Chafetz, 2012

Microbial Mats in Siliciclastic Depositional Systems Through Time

Noffke, N., Chafetz, H.
KirjastusSEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology)
Kirjastuse kohtTulsa
AjakiriSEPM Special Publication
Tüüpraamat (tervik)


The research field on microbial mats in siliciclastic environmental settings has greatly developed since its establishment by studies of pioneering scientists such as Gisela Gerdes, Wolfgang Krumbein, Jürgen Scheiber, David Bottjer and others. This SEPM Special Publication is the result of the SEPM Research Conference on Sandy Microbial Mats (modern and ancient), which was held in May 21-23, 2010 at Dinosaur Ridge, Denver, Colorado, USA. This volume presents peer reviewed individual case studies on microbial mats and on sedimentary structures (often called “microbially induced sedimentary structures-MISS”) that occur in modern and ancient marine and terrestrial environments. The conference brought together sedimentologists, microbiologists, and paleontologists from 30 countries and all five continent


1-14Morphology and Distribution of Miss: A Comparison Between Modern Siliciclastic and Carbonate SettingsBose, S., Chafetz, H. S.
15-28The Trace-Fossil Record of Organism–Matground Interactions in Space and TimeBuatois, L. A., Mángano, M. G.
29-35The Record of Microbially Induced Sedimentary Structures (MISS) in the Swedish PaleozoicCalner, M., Eriksson, M.E.
37-45The Role of Microbial Mats in the Preservation of Bird Footprints: A Case Study from the Mesotidal Bahia Blanca Estuary (Argentina)Carmona, N., Bournod, C., Ponce, J. J., Cuadrado, D.
47-53A Microbial Mat Developed Around a Man-Made Geothermal Spring from Romania: Structure and Cyanobacterial CompositionComan, C., Drugă, B., Bica, A., Barbu-Tudoran, L., Dragoş, N.
55-64Sedimentary Dynamics and Biostratinomy of a Middle Cambrian Rusophycus Lagerstätte, Gros Ventre Formation, Wyoming, USACsonka, J. D., Brandt, D. S.
65-74Composition and Microfacies of Archean Microbial Mats (Moodies Group, ca. 3.22 Ga, South Africa)Gamper, A., Heubeck, C., Demske, D., Hoehse, M.
97-110Microbial Mat–Related Structures in the Quaternary Cape Vani Manganese-Oxide (-Barite) Deposit, NW Milos Island, GreeceKilias, S. P.
111-123Deep-Water Microbially Induced Sedimentary Structures (MISS) in Deep Time: The Ediacaran Fossil IvesheadiaLaflamme, M., Schiffbauer, J. D., Narbonne, G. M.
125-138Toward the Recognition of Biological Soil Crusts in the Rock Record: Key Features from the Study of Modern and Cretaceous ExamplesMalenda, H. F., Simpson, E. L., Wizevich, M. C., Tindall, S. E.
139-152Criteria for Distinguishing Microbial Mats and EarthsRetallack, J.
177-190Microbial Mats in a Lower Triassic Siliciclastic Playa Environment (Middle Buntsandstein, North Sea)Wehrmann, A., Gerdes, G., Höfling, R.
191-198Caliche Crusts: Microbially Induced Sedimentary Structures on Siliceous SubstratesZhou, J., Chafetz, H. S.
Viimati muudetud: 29.12.2024
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