Tagasi otsingusse
Chow, 1957

A new Cliona-like boring sponge from the Devonian of Hunan

Chow, M. M.
AjakiriActa Palaeontologica Sinica
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The present paper,in addition to the description of a new species of Cliona-like boringsponge—Clionolithes hunanensis (“form genus and species”) from the Devonian of HunanProvince, China, gives a brief survey of all the known forms of the fossil clionoid sponge borings found in different parts of the world along with some aspects of their ecological and taxonomic bearings.So far as the writer is aware, the presence of this type of organic structure in fossil statehas not been recorded in the palaeontological literature of China; but as evidenced by their com-mon occurrence in the post-Silurian strata of North America and Europe, they were mostprobably common in China, too. Description of the species:G enus Clionolithes Clarke Clionolithes hunanensis sp.nov. Specimen:Borings in the shell of a Meristella cf.tiaomakiensis.Horizon and Locality:Middle(?) Devonian of Hunan. Description: Boring tubes and perforations of monactinellid sponge in brachiopod shells. The diameter of the main tube (ca.1.0 mm) is much larger than that of the tributaries, the former, which runs sub-parallel to the surface of the shell, has broad curvature and is shaped like the work of annelids, while the tributary tubes which branch off from the main channels at irregular intervels are much smaller (from 0.1—0.2 mm in diameter) and communicate with the outer surface by minute perforations.These perforations are most likely to be present on the interior surface of shell as in many of the living specimens. By comparing the Hunan specimen with the other known forms of the clionoid sponge borings, it can be most closely compared with those belonging to genus Clionolithes which have been abundently found in the Devonian of North American. The present species differs from the other members of the genus by its proportionally much larger main tubes and non-radiating arrangement of the tributary tubes.

Viimati muudetud: 19.11.2023
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