
32 tulemust
Ichnologic and paleoenvironmental characterization of the Orchesteropus atavus Frenguelli type locality, Huerta de Huachi, San Juan province, Argentina
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Ichnofossils and body fossils from the Permian of the Sorgue Valley (Saint-Affrique Basin, southern France): palaeoenvironmental implications
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Historical Biology
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Fish Swimming Traces from the Upper Devonian of Wuhan, South China
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Journal of Earth Science
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First report of fish trace fossils Undichna from the Middle Devonian Achanarras Limestone, Caithness Flagstone Group
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Scottish Journal of Geology
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Trackways in the New Red Sandstone of the Connecticut River Valley, USA, the cradle of ichnology
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Geological Society, London, Special Publications
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Raederichnus dondasi a new trace fossil from the early Paleozoic of Argentina reveals shoaling behavior in early fish
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Late Cretaceous echinoderm ‘odds and ends’ from the Low Countries
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Predation in Ancient Reef-Builders
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Possibly the oldest fish-made resting traces
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The swimming trace Undichna from the latest Devonian Hangenberg Sandstone equivalent of Morocco
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Swiss Journal of Palaeontology
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Swimming trace of a coelacanth fish from the Lower Keuper of south-west Germany
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Hondichnus monroensis n. gen., n. sp., a new Early Mississippian trace fossil
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Undichna gosiutensis,isp. nov.: A new fish trace fossil from the Jurassic of Utah
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Fish predation and the evolution of gastropod shell sculpture: experimental and geographic evidence
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A new Cenomanian vertebrate tracksite at Tamajón (Guadalajara, Spain): Palaeoichnology and palaeoenvironmental implications
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Ichnology of late Paleozoic postglacial transgressive deposits in Gondwana: Reconstructing salinity conditions in coastal ecosystems affected by strong meltwater discharge
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Late Paleozoic Glacial Events and Postglacial Transgressions in Gondwana
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Predation and survival among inadunate crinoids
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Acanthodian fish trace fossils from the Early Devonian of Spitsbergen
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Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
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Parrotfish bioerosion on Egyptian Red Sea reefs
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Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
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Attempted predation and shell repair in Euomphalopterus (Gastropoda) from the Silurian of Gotland
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Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark
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New ichnospecies of scratching traces from phosphatic nodules (Cenomanian, England)
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Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation
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Allostratigraphic and Sedimentologic Applications of Trace Fossils to the Study of Incised Estuarine Valleys: An Example from the Virgilian Tonganoxie Sandstone Member of Eastern Kansas
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Ichnology of an Early Permian intertidal flat: the Robledo Mountains Formation of southern New Mexico, USA
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Special Papers in Palaeontology
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