Tagasi otsingusse
Klug et al., 2021

The swimming trace Undichna from the latest Devonian Hangenberg Sandstone equivalent of Morocco

Klug, C., Lagnaoui, A., Jobbins, M., Bel Haouz, W., Najih, A.
AjakiriSwiss Journal of Palaeontology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Trace fossils occur in several strata of the Devonian and Carboniferous of the eastern Anti-Atlas, but they are still poorly documented. Here, we describe a fossil swimming trace from strata overlying the Hangenberg Black Shale (correlation largely based on lithostratigraphy; Postclymenia ammonoid genozone, ca. 370 Ma old). We discuss the systematic position of the tracemaker and its body size. This ichnofossil is important for three main reasons: (1) it is considered here to be the first record of Undichna from the Devonian of Gondwana, as far as we know; (2) it is the oldest record of vertebrate trace fossils from Africa; (3) it provides a unique window into the behaviour of Late Devonian fishes for which body-fossils cannot provide direct evidence. Further, we put this discovery into the macroecological context of the palaeoenvironment following the Late Devonian Hangenberg biodiversity crisis.

Viimati muudetud: 25.1.2025
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