
27 tulemust
Zur Deutung von Manchuriophycus Endo und ähnlichen Problematica
Häntzschel, W.
Mitt. Geol. Staatinst. Hamburg
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Martian stick-like structures are not trace fossils: a new protocol for testing ichnogenicity synthesized from paleosol ichnology
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International Journal of Astrobiology
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Carbonate concretions from the London Clay (Ypresian, Eocene) of southern England and the exceptional preservation of wood‐boring communities
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Journal of the Geological Society
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Traces and dubiotraces: examples from the so-called Late Proterozoic siliciclastic rocks of the Vindhyan Supergroup around Maihar, India
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Precambrian Research
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A stromatoporoid trace fossil from the Upper Ordovician of the Siberian Platform
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Trace fossils and pseudofossils from the Wealden strata (non-marine Lower Cretaceous) of southern England
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The “coprolites” that aren't: The straight poop on specimens from the Miocene of southwestern Washington State
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Microbially induced pseudotraces from a Pantanal soda lake, Brazil: Alternative interpretations for Ediacaran simple trails and their limits
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Ichnofossils, Cracks or Crystals? A Test for Biogenicity of Stick-Like Structures from Vera Rubin Ridge, Mars
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Paleoecology of borings and pseudoborings in the Cincinnatian (Late Ordovician) of the North American Midcontinent
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Ambient inclusion trails in Palaeozoic crustaceans (Phosphatocopina and Ostracoda)
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Cylindricavus perplexus ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov. from the Gulbarga District, Karnataka State
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Precambrian “fossil” Vermiforma is a tectograph
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Aasta: 2000 | Köide: 28 | Leheküljed: 235–238 | artikkel ajakirjas
The dynamic influence of microbial mats on sediments: fluid escape and pseudofossil formation in the Ediacaran Longmyndian Supergroup, UK
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Lower Ordovician Siphonia cylindrica Eichwald, 1840 from north-western Russia: a pseudo-sponge and a natural ‘recorder’ of geological history
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Borings and bioerosion in fossils
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Arthrophycus as a mimic of crinoid column impressions in the lower Silurian of central Kentucky, USA
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Tilting marks: Observations on tool marks resembling trace fossils and their morphological varieties
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Sedimentary Geology
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Class Psammocorallia (Coelenterata, Vendian‐Ordovician): Recognition, systematics, and distribution
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A reassessment of the Lower Cambrian psammocoral Spatangopsis costata
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Paleontological Research
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The Lower Cambrian problematicum Spatangopsis costata Torell, 1870
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The Palaeozoic hard substrate trace fossils Helicosalpinx, Chaetosalpinx and Torquaysalpinx
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Tabulaten-Fauna im Grenzbereich Unter-/Mittel-Devon der Eifeler Richtschnitte (S-Eifel/Rheinisches Schiefergebirge)
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Senckenbergiana Lethaea
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Parasitism versus commensalism: the case of tabulate corals
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