
1290 tulemust
Stop 9: Põhja-Kiviõli II open-pit mine
Bauert, H., Hints, O.
ISOS-14 Field Guide: The Ordovician of Estonia
Aasta: 2023 | Leheküljed: 55-62 | artikkel kogumikus
Influence of the end-temperature on the oil shale fast pyrolysis process and its products
Maaten, B., Siirde, A., Vahur, S., Kirsimäe, K.
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Aasta: 2023 | Köide: 148 | Leheküljed: 1647-1655 | artikkel ajakirjas
Analysis of field test results for the oil shale mine ventilation simulation
Sabanov, S.
Oil Shale
Aasta: 2018 | Köide: 35 | Leheküljed: 356 -364 | artikkel ajakirjas
Test ofairborne geophysics for mapping oil shale mining area at Kohtla-Järve, NE Estonia
Vanhala, H., All, T., Kattai, V., Lintinen, P., Valli, T.
Symposium on oil shale 18-21 November 2002, Tallinn, Estonia. Abstracts
Aasta: 2002 | Leheküljed: 31-31 | abstrakt
Estonian oil shale resources calculated by GIS-method
Valgma, I.
Symposium on oil shale 18-21 November 2002, Tallinn, Estonia. Abstracts
Aasta: 2002 | Leheküljed: 20-20 | abstrakt
Current knowledge on the origin and structure of Estonian kukersite kerogen
Lille, Ü.
Symposium on oil shale 18-21 November 2002, Tallinn, Estonia. Abstracts
Aasta: 2002 | Leheküljed: 26-26 | abstrakt
Map of oil shale mining history in Estonia
Valgma, I.
Proceedings II. 5th Mining History Congress, Greece, Milos Conference Centre- George Eliopoulos
Aasta: 2001 | Leheküljed: 193-198 | artikkel kogumikus
Using MapInfo Professional and Vertical Mapper for mapping Estonian oil shale deposit and analysing technological limit of overburden thickness
Valgma, I.
Proceedings of International Conference on GIS for Earth Science Applications, Institute for Geology, Geotechnics and Geophysics, Slovenia Ljubljana 17.-21. May 1998
Aasta: 1998 | Leheküljed: 187-194 | artikkel kogumikus
KIKNATARCSARVTÜ Loodusmuuseumi geokogudEesti Loodusmuuseumi geoloogia osakond
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