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The Teichichnus Ichnofacies: Its neoichnological basis and identification in the rock record
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Cambrian Series 2 shallow marine siliciclastics at the margin of the East European Craton: the Ociesęki Formation in Dziewiątle Quarry (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland)
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Bedding and bedding surfaces in carbonate and mixed carbonate-siliciclastic successions Part 1: a critical evaluation of biases in identification and interpretation across disciplines and schools
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The Moroccan High Atlas phosphate-rich sediments: Unraveling the accumulation and differentiation processes
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Animal–substrate interactions preserved in ancient lagoonal chalk
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A high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework for the eastern Ellis Bay Formation, Canada: A record of Hirnantian sea-level change
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Depositional environments of the Šilalė Event (early Přidoli, Silurian) in Milaičiai 103 core section, Lithuania
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Solution pits. A Research Paper Submitted to the Department of Geography in Fulfilment of the Requirements of Geography 4C
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Microbial Mats in the Mesoproterozoic Carbonates of the North China Platform and Their Potential for Hydrocarbon Generation
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Microbially induced sedimentary structures in late Pennsylvanian glacial settings: A case study from the Gondwanan Paraná Basin
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Microbially Induced Sedimentary Structures as an Ecological Niche in Subtidal Early Triassic Environments of Eastern Panthalassa. Theses and Dissertations. Paper 847
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Palaeoenvironmental and biostratigraphic implications of microbial mat-related structures: Examples from the modern Gulf of Cambay and the Precambrian Vindhyan Basin, India
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Serpukhovian Stage (Carboniferous) in type area: Sedimentology, mineralogy, geochemistry, and section correlation
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Psychrophilic Enzymes: From Folding to Function and Biotechnology
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Effect of seasonality and physicochemical parameters on bacterial communities in two hot spring microbial mats from Araró, Mexico
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Microstructure and cyanobacterial composition of microbial mats from the High Arctic
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Composition and heterogeneity of the microbial community in a coastal microbial mat as revealed by the analysis of pigments and phospholipid-derived fatty acids
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Journal of Sea Research
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Coastal Microbial Mat Diversity along a Natural Salinity Gradient
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Aasta: 2013 | Köide: 8 | Leheküljed: e63166 | artikkel ajakirjas
Comparison of the active and resident community of a coastal microbial mat
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Scientific Reports
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Phylogenetic stratigraphy in the Guerrero Negro hypersaline microbial mat
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