Tagasi otsingusse
Ausich et al., 2012
Crinoids from the Silurian of Western Estonia
Ausich, W. I., Wilson, M. A., Vinn, O.
DOI | 10.4202/app.2010.0094 |
Aasta | 2012 |
Ajakiri | Acta Palaeontologica Polonica |
Köide | 57 |
Number | 3 |
Leheküljed | 613-631 |
Tüüp | artikkel ajakirjas |
Joonised | 6 |
Eesti autor | |
Keel | inglise |
Id | 1819 |
The Silurian crinoids of Estonia are re−evaluated based on new collections and museum holdings. Nineteen species−level crinoid taxa are now recognized. All crinoid names applied to Estonian Silurian crinoids during the middle 19th century are disregarded. Especially significant is the fauna reported herein from the Pridoli because coeval crinoids are very poorly known from the Baltic region and elsewhere. One new genus and four new species are described from Estonia, namely Calceocrinus balticensis sp. nov., Desmidocrinus laevigatus sp. nov., Eucalyptocrinites tumidus sp. nov., and Saaremaacrinus estoniensis gen. et sp. nov.
Viimati muudetud: 20.2.2025