Tagasi otsingusse
Yanson & Aleksandrova, 2015

Some strategic metals from dictyonema shale and the prospects of their extraction

Yanson, Y. M., Aleksandrova, T. N.
Pealkiri originaalНекоторые стратегические металлы в диктионемовых сланцах и перспектива их извлечения
AjakiriMining informational and analytical bulletin
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


In the article the research of the extraction of strategic metals from Dictyonema shale is presented. The paper presents the research results of strategic elements extraction from black shale ores of Leningrad region. Mineralogical and technological analyses of samples were conducted. Taking into consideration the urgency of increasing the recovery of valuable components from mineral raw materials, a new collector was reviewed, its optimal consumption was defined.

Viimati muudetud: 28.1.2021
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