Tagasi otsingusse
Vyalov et al., 2010

On the metal content of dictyonema shale in the baltic basin

Vyalov, V., Mironov, J., Neženski, I.
Autor originaalВялов, В. И., Миронов, Ю. Б., Неженский, И. А.
Pealkiri originaalО металлоносности диктионемовых сланцев Прибалтийского бассейна
AjakiriMineral resources of Russia. Economics and management
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Data is presented on the metal content of dictyonema shale in the Baltic basin. The Baltic dictyonema shale is not only a unique source of U, but also of Re, Sc, Rb, Te, Cs, Pt, Pd, Au, Ag, and V, Ti, Cu, and Mo for commercial recovery. Information is given on uranium resources; resources of noble, rare, trace and non-ferrous metals are appraised. Their gross recoverable value is calculated, and it totals to about 4.35 trillion rubles. The conclusion is drawn that the country's mineral resource base may be substantially extended due to a complex of valuable metals contained in the dictyonema shale.

Viimati muudetud: 10.4.2020
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