Tagasi otsingusse
Suhanov et al., 2014

The application of physical methods to investigate dictionema shale organic matter in Leningrad region

Suhanov, A., Sergejev, V., Valiev, F., Makarova, I., Jafjasov, A.
Autor originaalСуханов, А.А. Сергеев, В.О. Валиев, Ф.Ф., Макарова, И.Р., Яфясов, А.М.
Pealkiri originaalПрименение физических методов для характеристики органического вещества диктионемовых сланцев Ленинградской области
AjakiriBulletin of the St. Petersburg University
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


This work represents the results of evaluation of Leningrad region Dictionema shale organic matter maturation via IR-spectroscopy and light microscopy methods. The determination of the 238U and 232Th in the samples of shale rock was performed in order to identify the main factors controlling the shale organic matter maturation. It was shown that the dominating part of the radioactive elements in examined shale is connected to their organic component. The quartz presence in the organic component of the shale points at hydrothermal fluids as the most probable factor controlling Leningrad region Dictionema shale organic matter maturation.

Viimati muudetud: 9.4.2020
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