Tagasi otsingusse
Klyucharev & Soesoo, 2019

Ore future of combustible shales

Klyucharev, D. S., Soesoo. A.
Autor originaalКлючарев, Д. С., Соесоо, А.
Pealkiri originaalРудное будущее горючих сланцев
AjakiriProspect and protection of mineral resources
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas
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A brief review of the metalliferous combustible shales of the world is shown. A description of the dictyonema shales (graptolite argillites) of the Baltic shale basin is given. The concentrations of rare-earth metals and uranium in this rocks is not so high, but the forms of accumulation of metals give a possibilites for the leaching. The main features of the technological processes of uranium leaching from shales are briefly described. The results of experimental studies on the leaching of rare-earth metals and uranium from dictyonema shales with various solvents are analyzed. The comparison of metal contents of the dictyonema shales of the Baltic basin and combustible shales of Volga shale basin is done. The conclusion about the potential processing shale like a complex uranium-rare metals ore is made.

Viimati muudetud: 19.4.2020
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