Tagasi otsingusse
Kochenov & Baturin, 2002

The Paragenesis of organic matter, phosphorus, and uranium in marine sediments

Kochenov, A. V., Baturin, N.
AjakiriLithology and Mineral Resources
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Using some uranium deposits and recent U-bearing sediments as examples, it is shown that all U-bearing rocks are characterized by an association of organic matter and calcium phosphate, irrespective of the quantitative relationship between these components. A considerable proportion of these components was delivered into sediments with remains of marine planktonic and nektonic organisms. Along with organic matter, calcium phosphate played a significant role in uranium concentration. This is related to a high sorption ability of the calcium phosphate. Uranium accumulated during diagenesis as a result of diffusion exchange between bottom and interstitial waters. The combination of anoxic bottom environment with high bioproductivity in upper aerated waters, a typical phenomenon in oceanic upwelling zones, is the most favorable factor of uranium concentration in the sedimentary process. This determines the stable paragenetic association of organic matter, phosphorus, and uranium in marine sediments, such as black shales and organogenic phosphate deposits.

Viimati muudetud: 28.1.2021
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