Tagasi otsingusse
Räämet & Soomere, 2010

The wave climate and its seasonal variability in the northeastern Baltic Sea

Räämet, A., Soomere, T.
AjakiriEstonian Journal of Earth Sciences
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas
LitsentsCC BY 4.0
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The basic features of wave properties in the Baltic Sea and their seasonal variations are estimated by the use of a high-resolution version (3 miles) of the wave model, WAM, driven by adjusted geostrophic winds for 1970–2007 under ice-free conditions. The model qualitatively reproduces the time series of the sea state and adequately replicates the seasonal patterns of wave intensity and the probability distribution functions for different wave heights in both offshore and coastal regions of the northern Baltic Proper and the Gulf of Finland. The areas of the largest overall wave activity are located in the eastern parts of the Bothnian Sea and northern Baltic Proper, south of Gotland, and in the Arkona Basin. The windiest season (September–February) and the time with the largest measured or modelled wave activity (October–March) occur with a time lag of 0.5–2 months.

Viimati muudetud: 7.12.2020
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