Tagasi otsingusse
Farrell & Briggs, 2007

A pyritized polychaete from the Devonian of Ontario

Farrell, Ú. C., Briggs, D. E.
AjakiriProceedings of the Royal Society B
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


A polychaete from the Middle Devonian Arkona Shale at Hungry Hollow, Arkona, Ontario is preserved in three dimensions in pyrite. The prostomium bears a single median antenna, a pair of lateral antennae and a pair of ventral palps. It is assumed to be fused to a reduced peristomium. The anteriormost three pairs of trunk appendages are modified as tentacular cirri, the third long and biramous. The remainder of the finely annulated trunk bears at least 21 similar biramous parapodia, some of which preserve evidence of chaetae. The postsegmental pygidium is very small and may bear up to two pairs of cirri. The polychaete, Arkonips topororum, falls within the Palpata, Aciculata, among the crown group Phyllodocida. Its remarkable preservation highlights the potential of the Arkona Shale to yield other examples of soft-tissue preservation.

Viimati muudetud: 21.8.2022
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