Tagasi otsingusse
Ivantsov et al., 2015

Upper Vendian macrofossils of Eastern Europe, Middle Dniester area and Volhynia

Ivantsov,A.Yu., Gritsenko, V. P.; Paliy, V. M., Velikanov, V.A., Konstantinenko, L. I., Menasova, A. Sh., Fedonkin, M. A., Zakrevskaya, M. A., Serezhnikova, E.A
Pealkiri originaalМакрофоссилии верхнего венда Восточной Европы. Среднее Приднестровье и Волынь
KirjastusPIN RAS
Kirjastuse kohtMoscow
Tüüpraamat (tervik)


Publication represents report of main data on all species of Vendian and Early Cambrian macrofossils, that were ever discovered on Middle Dniester area (Podolia) and Volhynia. All taxonomic descriptions, images of type specimens, data on their occurrence and storage places at State museums of Kiev and Moscow were gathered into this edition. Descriptions are predominantly represented by early edits. Overview of geological study condition and material on the history of paleontological investigations of Vendian deposits in this region are also included into report. It is recommended for geologists, paleontologists and biostratigraphers.

Viimati muudetud: 27.11.2022
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