Tagasi otsingusse
Desiatkin et al., 2021

Palaeopascichnids from the Upper Vendian Chernyi Kamen Formation of the Middle Urals (Perm Region)

Desiatkin, V. D., Kolesnikov, A. V., Rimsky, A. A., Sysoeva, A. O., Terekhova, V. A., Kuznetsov, N. B., Shazillo, A. V., Latysheva, I. V., Romanyuk, T. V., Fedonkin, M. A.
AjakiriDoklady Earth Sciences
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


In 2020–2021 the palaeopascichnid fossils were found in the Krasnaya Gorka Site (Shirokovsky Reservoir, Kosva River area, Perm Region), a type Vendian fossil locality (problematic discoidal casts and arumberiamorph structures) for the Central Urals discovered by Yu.R. Bekker in 1972. In the stratigraphical context, the fossil locality is associated with Chernyi Kamen Formation of the Upper Vendian Sylvitsa Group. The results of morphometric analysis of palaeopascichnid fossils made possible to distinguish three morphological types: Palaeopascichnus delicatus, Yelovichnus gracilis and Palaeopascichnus linearis. Finding of a large number of palaeopascichnid fossils both develops the understanding of their palaeobiology and taphonomy, and also demonstrates that palaeontological potential of the type fossil locality and one of the most representative section of the Chernyi Kamen Formation has not entirely been realized.

Viimati muudetud: 19.11.2021
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