Tagasi otsingusse
Paris et al., 2000

The effects of the final stages of the Late Ordovician glaciation on marine palynomorphs (chitinozoans, acritarchs, leiospheres) in well Nl-2 (NE Algerian Sahara)

Paris, F., Bourahrouh, A., Hérissé, A.
AjakiriReview of Palaeobotany and Palynology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Palynomorph assemblages, especially chitinozoans and acritarchs, from the Upper Ordovician of well Nl-2 (north-east of the Algerian Sahara) are studied in order to precisely date the ultimate effects of the Late Ordovician glaciation and to document the impact of this major climatic stress on the diversity of the palynoplankton. References are made to stable isotope excursions and to global eustatic sea level variations in order to improve the local age determination. The Hassi el Hadjar Formation, i.e. glacio-marine diamictites, is interpreted as a transgressive event resulting from the melting of the northern Gondwana ice cap. It yields poorly preserved and moderately diverse chitinozoans of late Hirnantian age. Acritarchs are more abundant in the lower part of these “microconglomeratic clays”, but display a low diversity and are badly preserved throughout the whole formation. Reworked individuals are recorded in both groups. The marine sediments of the M’Kratta Formation of latest Hirnantian age contain better preserved, more abundant and more diverse palynomorph assemblages, especially in the Upper Member. The composition of this palynoplankton indicates a fairly good faunal and phytoplankton recovery after the early Hirnantian climatic stress.

The extinction of the Ordovician forms, and the appearance of Silurian type taxa occur only in the uppermost Hirnantian, i.e. following with a slight delay the glacial event. The overlying black shales of Wenlock age (lower part of the Oued Mehaiguène Formation) are indicative of marine anoxic environments. They yield a virtually exclusive, but enormous number of Tasmanacea. The very peculiar composition of this palynoplankton seems to be independent of the Late Ordovician glaciation and is most likely related to the factors that, later, generated and maintained anoxic conditions in this area. A new species of chitinozoan, Spinachitina oulebsiri sp. nov. from the latest Hirnantian M’Kratta Formation, is described and illustrated.

Viimati muudetud: 6.8.2024
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