Tagasi otsingusse
Limbeck et al., 2024

Initial quantitative assessment of the enigmatic clade Paracrinoidea (Echinodermata)

Limbeck, M. R., Bauer, J. E., Deline, B., Sumrall, C. D.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Great strides have been made in understanding the phylogeny of the five extant echinoderm classes, however, many Palaeozoic groups have yet to be examined in a rigorous, quantitative framework. The aberrant morphologies of Paracrinoidea, an unusual group of Palaeozoic echinoderms, have hindered their inclusion in large-scale phylogenetic and morphologic studies. This study uses a combined approach of phylogenetic analysis and morphological disparity to elucidate species relationships within the clade. Findings from this study suggest that Paracrinoidea is a monophyletic group and that respiratory structures, oral plate arrangement, and ambulacral morphologies are important for defining subclades within Paracrinoidea. Examination of paracrinoids in a quantitative framework, facilitates their inclusion in larger projects examining Palaeozoic echinoderm evolution, ecology and biogeography.

Viimati muudetud: 8.5.2024
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