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Żylinska, 2017 (ed)

10th Baltic Stratigraphic Conference. Checiny 12-14 September 2017. Abstracts and Field Guide

Żylińska, A. (ed)
KirjastusUniversity of Warsaw
Kirjastuse kohtWarszawa
Tüüpraamat (tervik)


11-12Quantitative biostratigraphy of the Devonian System in Estonia based on vertebratesAni, T., Meidla, T.
13-14The Guttenberg carbon isotope excursion (GICE; Ordovician) in EstoniaBauert, H., Hints, O., Bauert, G., Nõlvak, J., Ainsaar, L., Martma, T. PDF
15-16Sandbian chitinozoan biostratigraphy - tracking the North Estonian Ordovician regional stages across the Palaeobaltic basinBauert, H., Bauert, G., Stouge, S.
22-23Upper Ordovician trace fossils from eastern Estonia (Kohtla-Järve, Kukruse Regional Stage)Chrząstek, A., Pluta, K.
30-31Traces of permafrost degradation on an unconformity surface near the base of the Furongian (upper Cambrian) of the Sankt Petersburg region, NW RussiaDronov, A. V.
34-35Chitinozoan response to a gigantic Late Ordovician volcanic ash fall recorded in northern EstoniaHints, O., Bauert, G., Grigorjeva, I., Nõlvak, J., Meidla, T., Perrier, V. PDF
36-37Variations in carbon isotope composition of microfossils and bulk organic matter from the Middle Ordovician through Wenlock in EstoniaHints, O., Kaljo, D., Kaptein, K., Martma, T., Munnecke, A. PDF
39-40Givetian vertebrate assemblages from the Burtnieki Regional Stage (Devonian) of the East BalticIvanov, A. O., Pinakhina, D. V., Glinsky, V. N., Lukševičs, E.
43-44Geochemistry of Late Ordovician (Sandbian) volcanism at the south-western margin of the Baltica Plate - using Nb, Zr and Ti for tectono-magmatic interpretation of bentonitesKiipli, T., Hints, R., Kallaste, T., Nielsen, A. T., Pajusaar, S., Schovsbo, N. H.
48-49Early and Middle Ordovician chitinozoans from Tongzi, South China: biostratigraphic significance and biodiversificationLiang, Y., Tang, P., Zhan, R., Hints, O.
52-53Non-calcified macroscopic algal fossils from Precambrian and Lower Palaeozoic depositsMastik, V., Tinn, O.
54-55The lower boundary of the Silurian System in the Baltic RegionMeidla, T., Ainsaar, L., Tinn, O., Truuver, K.
56-57Stratotypes in theory and practice - the Estonian exampleMeidla, T., Ani, T., Paiste, T., Guitor, S., Helde, R., Jürna, V., Külaviir, M., Kütas, M., Mänd, K., Soomer, S., Tsarjov, S.
58-59Dolomitization problems of the Upper Devonian carbonate deposits, eastern Latvia and south-eastern EstoniaMikelsone, M., Stinkulis, G.
65-66The boundary between the Haljala and Kukruse Regional Stages (Ordovician) in north-western EstoniaPaiste, T., Meidla, T., Männik, P.
68-69Middle und Upper Devonian of the Baltic Basin: sedimentary, stable isotope and magnetic features of the Skuodas-40 core (Lithuania)Plado, J., Ainsaar, L., Kaasik, A., Meidla, T., Ots, S., Radzevičius, S.
72-73Integrated stratigraphy of the Ludlow (Silurian) in the Milačiai-103 well (Lithuania)Radzevičius, S., Brazauskas, A., Musteikis, P., Šilinskas, T., Gečas, T., Meidla, T., Ainsaar, L., Stankevič, R., Spiridonov, A.
82-83A review of ichnofossils from Estonian palaeontological collectionsToom, U., Vinn, O., Hints, O. PDF
93-93Estonian Commission on Stratigraphy: report for 2014-2017Sibul, I.
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