Tagasi otsingusse
Dietl & Kelley, 2006

Can Naticid Gastropod Predators Be Identified by the Holes They Drill?

Dietl, G. P., Kelley, P. H.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


We tested the hypothesis that drillholes made by different species of predatory naticid gastropods can be differentiated by variability in the inner (IBD) and outer borehole diameters (OBD) of the holes they drill. We compared two samples of Mya arenaria that were drilled by different predators, Euspira heros and Neverita duplicata, under experimental conditions. Mean IBD:OBD ratio was significantly greater for holes drilled by Euspira compared to Neverita, indicating that Euspira drills a steeper drillhole than Neverita. We also found consistent differences between the two naticids for slopes of regression lines of IBD on OBD after tandardization for predator size and prey size and thickness, with slopes for Euspira being steeper, but results were not statistically significant. However, the range of IBD:OBD ratios was wide and overlapped considerably for each species, which decreases confidence in assignment of individual drillholes to a particular predator species. At least in the case of these two naticid species, interspecific differences in variation of the inner and outer diameters of the holes they drill have limited utility in identifying the maker of individual boring traces in the fossil record.


433-455The Mesozoic marine revolutionHarper, E. M.
Viimati muudetud: 11.10.2019
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