Tagasi otsingusse
Ruggiero & Raia, 2014

Oichnus taddei, a new fossil trace produced by capulids on brachiopod shells

Ruggiero, E., Raia, P.
AjakiriSpanish Journal of Palaeontology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


We describe the new ichnospecies Oichnus taddeii, a bioerosion trace left by parasitic capulids on fossil brachiopods, prevalently Quaternary Terebratula species. We present the diagnosis of the new ichnospecies and discuss its status. The trace was previously attributed to either Oichnus or Lacrimichnus ichngenera. We provide a statistical assessment of the trace distribution on brachiopod shells, in order to infer the capulid behavior, and the parasitic activity the trace represents.

Viimati muudetud: 9.5.2024
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