Tagasi otsingusse
Mikulaš & Fatka, 2017

Ichnogenus Astropolichnus in the Middle Cambrian of the Barrandian area, Czech Republic

Mikuláš, R., Fatka, O.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Imperfectly preserved specimen of a supposed hydrozoan Medusites cf. radiatus Linnars., originally described by Pompeckj (1896 Pompeckj, J. F. 1896. Die Fauna des Kambriums von Tejřovic und Skrej in Böhmen. Jahrbuch der Keiserlichen-königlichen geologischen Reichanstalt, 45:495–615. [Google Scholar]) from the “Pod trním” locality near Týřovice (Slapnice Member of the Buchava Formation, Skryje–Týřovice Basin) is revised. Recent study of the original specimen and a more complete topotype specimen testify the affiliation to the pineapple-shaped ichnogenus Astropolichnus (Crimes and Anderson, 1985 Crimes, T. P., and Anderson, M. M. 1985. Trace fossils from the late Precambrian-early Cambrian strata of southeastern Newfoundland (Canada): Temporal and environmental implications. Journal of Paleontology, 59:310–343.[Web of Science ®], [CSA] [Google Scholar]). A new ichnospecies A. bohemicus is established on the material from the Buchava Formation. This material is the first occurrence of Astropolichnus in the middle Cambrian as well as the first report of this ichnogenus in the Barrandian area of Czech Republic.

Viimati muudetud: 24.6.2023
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