Tagasi otsingusse
Aceñolaza, 2004a

Las “Areniscas Calcáreas con Fucoides” del Sistema del Famatina, Provincia de La Rioja Province, Argentina

Aceñolaza, G. F.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas
ISBN trace fossils


Anoutstanding association of trace fossils recovered from the Lajas Formation cropping out in the eastern slope of the Sierra de Famatina are described, illustrated and interpreted. These were firstly noticed by Bodenbender (1916), and are here assigned to a new icnogenus and ichnospecies: Lajasichnus bodenbenderi nov. gen. et nov. isp. Systematic aspects of the new form are discussed, stablishing differences with related traces as Didymaulichnus, Aulichnites, Beaconichnus and others of the “Scolicia group” as Subphyllocorda and Taphrhelminthopsis. The producer of Lajasichnus bodebenderi is interpreted to be related to freshwater mollusks.

Viimati muudetud: 2.9.2020
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