Tagasi otsingusse
Sheffield & Sumrall, 2019

The phylogeny of the Diploporita: a polyphyletic assemblage of blastozoan echinoderms

Sheffield, S. L., Sumrall, C. D.
AjakiriJournal of Paleontology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The phylogenetic relationships of Paleozoic blastozoan echinoderms are poorly understood and many of thetraditionally ascribed groups are likely polyphyletic. Diploporitans, those blastozoans with double pore (diplopore)respiratory structures, have never been placed within a rigorous phylogenetic framework, and their highly variablemorphologies suggest that they do not represent a natural clade. A maximum parsimony phylogenetic analysis, spanninga wide range of diploporitan and related taxa, indicates that diplopore-bearing blastozoans are a polyphyletic groupingand, consequently, that diplopore respiratory structures have evolved more than once within the echinoderms. Constraintanalyses indicate that a single diplopore-bearing clade bearing the traditionally defined Glyptosphaeritida, Sphaeronitida, Asteroblastida is less parsimonious than multiple diplopore-bearing clades inferred by the unconstrained analysis.

Viimati muudetud: 9.2.2023
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