Estonian geoscience literature database
What is GEOliterature?

The portal hosts a database of geological literature focusing on the territory of Estonia and Estonian authors., but holding also references on certain fossil groups and research topics from all over the world.

Additionally holds references on certain fossil groups and research topics from all over the world.

Virtual libraries

Virtual libraries are a thematic collections of references. Usually containing information about a certain region, person or topic


The literature database is part of the SARV geological information system, which is developed within the framework of the NATARC research infrastructure at TalTech Department of Geology.

The systematization, digitization and annotation of Estonian geological literature was supported by the Enviromental Investments Center projects No. 16633 and 17805.


To add and correct data, you need to have a user account in the SARV geological information system, to join, send a letter:

KIKNATARCSARVTÜ Loodusmuuseumi geokogudEesti Loodusmuuseumi geoloogia osakond
All materials in the portal are for free usage according to CC BY-SA , unless indiated otherwise.
Portal is part of natianal research infrastructure and geoscience data platform SARV, hosted by TalTech.
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