
92 results
Baltic Chitinozoa
Hints, O., Antonovitš, L., Nõlvak, J., Nestor, V., Liang, Y.
Year: 2023 | Contains 184 references
Hints, O.
Contains 466 references
Baltoscandian ichnofossils
Toom, U.
Year: 2019 | Contains 605 references
EPz stable isotope literature
Hints, O., Ainsaar, L., Lepland, A., Meidla, T., Männik, P.
Year: 2019 | Contains 95 references
Bibliography of bioerosional trace fossils
Toom, U.
Year: 2019 | Contains 2150 references
Literature on coprolites
Toom, U.
Year: 2019 | Contains 465 references
Bibliography of Olle Hints
Hints, O.
Year: 2023 | Contains 252 references
Publications on endoliths by S. Golubić
Toom, U.
Year: 2019 | Contains 61 references
Publications on hard and rockgrounds
Toom, U.
Year: 2019 | Contains 322 references
Silurian trace fossils
Toom, U.
Year: 2019 | Contains 136 references
X-ray computed tomography in palaeontology
Toom, U.
Year: 2019 | Contains 99 references
Hints, O., Nõlvak, J., Liang, Y., Camina, S.
Year: 2023 | Contains 332 references
MISS structures
Toom, U.
Year: 2019 | Contains 266 references
Precambrian and Cambrian trace fossils
Toom, U.
Year: 2019 | Contains 589 references
Graptolite argillite literature
ResTA Project
Year: 2021 | Contains 474 references
Bite traces, bibliography
Toom, U.
Year: 2019 | Contains 270 references
Estonian shelly phosphorite-related literature
ResTA Project
Year: 2021 | Contains 749 references
Publications on Trypanites
Toom, U.
Year: 2019 | Contains 688 references
Bryozoa from Baltoscania
Toom, U.
Year: 2019 | Contains 270 references
Estonian glauconite sandstone related literature
Hints, R. et al.
Year: 2020 | Contains 37 references
TalTech theses on geology and mining
TTÜ geoloogia instituut
Year: 2020 | Contains 352 references
Eurypterids, bibliograpgy
Toom, U.
Year: 2019 | Contains 104 references
Softground and firmground trace fossils, references
Toom, U.
Year: 2019 | Contains 2550 references
Alum shale literature
Hints, R.
Year: 2020 | Contains 195 references
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