Virtual reference collection
Baltic Chitinozoa
Hints, O., Antonovitš, L., Nõlvak, J., Nestor, V., Liang, Y.
This collection includes all publications on chitinozoans from the Baltica palaeocontinent.
Library references
198 results
A surge of malformed chitinozoans accompanies the onset of the Ireviken Event
Vancoppenolle, I., Emboso, P., McLaughlin, P. I., Calner, M.
The Palaeontological Association 68th Annual Meeting 9th–13th December 2024, Erlangen, Germany, Programme Abstracts
Year: 2024 | Pages: 91-91 | abstract
.Chitinozoen aus Sedimenten Gotlands (Vorlaufige Mitteilung)
Eisenack, A.
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte
Year: 1962 | Volume: 1962 | Pages: 3218-219 | article in journal
Microfossil response to the late Silurian Lau Event in the Bebirva-111 drill core, Lithuania
Männik, R., Ainsaar, L., Männik, P., Meidla, T., Radzevičius, S., Hints, O.
XI Baltic Stratigraphical Conference. Abstracts and Field Guide
Year: 2024 | Pages: 26-26 | abstract
Ordovician Hystrichospheres and Chitinozoans in Limestone from the Bothnian Sea
Tynni, R.
Geological Survey of Finland. Bulletin
Year: 1975 | Pages: 1-59 | article in journal
Chitinozoen und Hystrichosphaerideen im Ordovicium des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges
Eisenack, A.
Year: 1939 | Volume: 21 | Pages: 135-152 | article in journal
Siluri ajastu Lau sündmuse mõju mikrofossiilidele Bebirva 111 puuraugus Leedus [Bakalaureusetöö. Juhendajad: O. Hints ja T. Meidla]
Männik, R.
Year: 2024 | Pages: 1-54 | diploma thesis / BSc thesis
On future directions of Ordovician chitinozoan research
Liang, Y., Hints, O., Nõlvak, J., Tang, P.
Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences
Year: 2023 | Volume: 72 | Pages: 58-61 | article in journal
Chitinozoan study: review and prospect
Liang, Y., Tang, P., Hints, O., Nõlvak, J., Zhang L., Chen, Y.
Acta Palaeontologica Sinica
Year: 2023 | Volume: 62 | Pages: 436-450 | article in journal
Latest Ordovician age of the Spinachitina fragilis Chitinozoan Biozone in Baltoscandia
Nõlvak, J., Liang, Y., Hints, O.
Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences
Year: 2023 | Volume: 72 | Pages: 82-85 | article in journal
Latest Sandbian brachiopods and chitinozoan biostratigraphy in North Estonia
Hints, L., Nõlvak, J.
Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences
Year: 2023 | Volume: 72 | Pages: 42-45 | article in journal
Paired carbon isotope chemostratigraphy across the Ordovician–Silurian boundary in central East Baltic: Regional and global signatures
Hints, O., Ainsaar, L., Lepland, A., Liiv, M., Männik, P., Meidla, T., Nõlvak, J., Radzevičius, S.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Year: 2023 | Volume: 624 | Pages: 1-17 | article in journal
Hydrodynamics as a hidden abiotic factor constraining Ordovician chitinozoan morphological evolution
Zhu, G., Lyu, Q., Du, M., Wang, W.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Year: 2023 | Volume: 621 | Pages: 111568 | article in journal
Ordovician biostratigraphy: index fossils, biozones and correlation
Goldman, D., Leslie, S. A., Liang, Y., Bergström, S. M.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications
A Global Synthesis of the Ordovician System: Part 1
Year: 2023 | Volume: 532 | Pages: 31-62 | article in journal
Parasitism on Ordovician Chitinozoa
Grahn, Y.
Year: 1981 | Volume: 14 | Pages: 135-142 | article in journal
Early and early Middle Ordovician chitinozoans from the Baldone drill core, central Latvia
Nõlvak, J., Liang, Y., Hints, O.
Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences
Year: 2022 | Volume: 71 | Pages: 25-43 | article in journal
Revision of Ordovician chitinozoan Lagenochitina esthonica sensu lato: morphometrics, biostratigraphy and paleobiogeography
Liang, Y., Nõlvak, J., Xu, H., Chen, Y., Hints, O.
Journal of Paleontology
Year: 2022 | Volume: 96 | Pages: 46-60 | article in journal
Chitinozoans with “skirt”: Ultrastructure and palaeoecological implications of carina in Cyathochitina Eisenack, 1955
Wang, W., Liang, Y., Lyu, Q., Hints, O., Chen, S., Nõlvak, J.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Year: 2021 | Volume: 570 | Pages: 110348 | article in journal
Geschiebe-Chitinezoen Fortsetzung
Schallreuter, R.
Der Geschiebesammler
Year: 1986 | Volume: 20 | Pages: 1-21 | article in journal
Schallreuter, R.
Der Geschiebesammler
Year: 1986 | Volume: 19 | Pages: 157-164 | article in journal
Weiterer Beitrag zur Chitinozoen-Forschung
Eisenack, A.
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte
Year: 1976 | Volume: 11 | Pages: 641-652 | article in journal
Mikrofossilien aus dem Ordovizium des Baltikums. II. Vaginatenkalk bis Lyckholmer Stufe
Eisenack, A.
Senckenbergiana Lethaea
Year: 1962 | Volume: 43 | Pages: 349-366 | article in journal
Neue problematische Mikrofossilien
Eisenack, A.
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie. Abhandlungen
Year: 1962 | Volume: 114 | Pages: 135-141 | article in journal
Chitinozoen, Hystrichosphären und andere Microfossilien aus dem Beyrichia- Kalk
Eisenack, A.
Senckenbergiana Lethaea
Year: 1955 | Volume: 36 | Pages: 157 -188 | article in journal
Re-explore the biological affinity of chitinozoans: Evidence from morphological variation and exceptional specimens
Liang, Y., Hints, O., Bernardo, J., Goldman, D., Nõlvak, J., Tang, P., Wang, W.
Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse. Rapport
Zooming in on the GOBE. 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting of IGCP 653
Year: 2020 | Volume: 2020/21 | Pages: 33 | abstract
Fossilized reproductive modes reveal a protistan affinity of Chitinozoa
Liang, Y., Hints, O., Tang, P., Cai, C., Goldman, D., Nõlvak, J., Tihelka, E., Pang, K., Bernardo, J., Wang, W.
Year: 2020 | Volume: 48 | Pages: 1200-1204 | article in journal