Virtual reference collection
Tabulate corals, bibliography
Toom, U.
Library references
474 results
Some problems in coral phylogeny and classification
Flower, R. H., Duncan, H. M.
Bulletins of American Paleontology
Studies in Paleontology and Stratigraphy
Year: 1975 | Volume: 67 | Pages: 175–192 | article in journal
K èvolûcii estestvennoj prodolžutel'nosti žizni korallovyh polipov v paleozoe Srednej Azii [ К эволюции естественной продолжутельности жизни коралловых полипов в палеозое Средней Азии]
Leleshus, V. L.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1985 | Volume: 1985 | Pages: 17-21 | article in journal
Sootnoshenie razlichnyh genezov u iskopaemyh kolonial'nyh korallov [Соотношение различных генезов у ископаемых колониальных кораллов]
Bondarenko, O. B.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1983 | Volume: 1983 | Pages: 3-13 | article in journal
Nekotorye novye geliolitoidei i ih znachenie dlja morfologii korallov [Некоторые новые гелиолитоидеи и их значение для морфологии кораллов]
Ospanova, N. K.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1983 | Volume: 1983 | Pages: 114-118 | article in journal
Ob odnoj zakonomernosti jevoljuchii geliolitid [Об одной закономерности эволючии гелиолитид]
Bondarenko, O. B., Sladkovskaya, M. G.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1983 | Volume: 1983 | Pages: 128-130 | article in journal
Semeistvo Plasmoporellidae (Heliolitoidea)
Ospanova, K. M.
Izvestiya AN TadzSSR
Year: 1978 | Volume: 73 | Pages: 85-93 | article in journal
Novyi pod Helioplasmolites, ego sistematicheskoe polozhenie, stratigraficheskoe znachenie i geograficheskoe polozhenie
Chekhovich, V. D.
Doklady Akademii Nauk UzSSR
Year: 1955 | Volume: 10 | Pages: 9-12 | article in journal
Pod Helioplasmolites (Heliolitoidea) i ego sistematicheskoe polozhenie
Ospanova, N. K.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1981 | Volume: 1981 | Pages: 15-22 | article in journal
O prirode soedinitel'nyh obrazovanij u geliolitoidej [О природе соединительных образований у гелиолитоидей]
Ospanova, N. K.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1980 | Volume: 1980 | Pages: 135-137 | article in journal
New Late Ordovician proporids (Heliolitoidea) of Middle Asia
Leleshus, V. L., Ospanova, N. K.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1979 | Volume: 1979 | Pages: 19-23 | article in book
A new heliolitid genus and its taxonomic significance
Ospanova, N. K.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1979 | Volume: 1979 | Pages: 16-21 | article in book
Spumaeolites gen. nov. (Tabulata) from the Llandovery of Taimyr
Zhizhina, M. S.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1967 | Volume: 1967 | Pages: 118-119 | article in journal
The evolutionary innovation of coral colonization on motile gastropod shells arose shortly after the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event in Baltica
Vinn, O., Liang, K., Isakar, M., Alkahtane, A. A., Al Farraj, S., El Hedeny, M.
Year: 2025 | Volume: 40 | Pages: 62-69 | article in journal
Endemism and cosmopolitism of Ordovician, Silurian and Devonian Tabulata and Heliolitida of Middle Asia
Leleshus, V. I.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1976 | Volume: 1976 | Pages: 8-16 | article in journal
Plicatomurus, gen. nov. (Favositidae) from the Upper Silurian of Kazakhstan
Chang, C.-C.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1959 | Volume: 1959 | Pages: 27-32 | article in journal
The Ordovician genus Kolymopora (Tabulata)
Preobrazhensky, B. V.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1964 | Volume: 1964 | Pages: 14-19 | article in journal
The Ludlow genus Daljanolites (Tabulata)
Leleshus, V. I.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1964 | Volume: 1964 | Pages: 10-13 | article in journal
Axuolites (Favositida), a new genus from the Upper Silurian of Kazakstan
Sharkova, T. T.
Year: 1963 | Pages: 117-119 | article in journal
Ordovician and Silurian corals of Gorny Altai
Barskaya, V. F.,
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1963 | Volume: 1963 | Pages: 137-161 | article in journal
Favosites beljaevi, a new specific name
Poltavzeva, N. V.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1968 | Volume: 1968 | Pages: 78-78 | article in book
Fossils explained 28: Corals 1 – Tabulates
Donovan, S. K.
Geology Today
Year: 2000 | Volume: 16 | Pages: 37-40 | article in journal
Novye siluriiskie Favositida [Новые силурийские Favositida]
Chekhovich, V. L.
New species of fossil plants and invertebrates of the USSR
Year: 1972 | Pages: 68-71 | article in book
Novye ordovikskie i siluriiskie korally Tsentral'nogo Kazahstana [Новые ордовикские и силурийские кораллы Центрального Казахстана]
Kovalevskiy, O. P.
New Species of Fossil Plants and Invertebrates of the USSR. Issue II. Part two
Year: 1968 | Pages: 11-13 | article in book
A possible archaic precursor of the octocoral structural plan from the Ordovician of Estonia
Rozhnov, S. V.
Papers in Palaeontology
Year: 2024 | Volume: 10 | Pages: e1593 | article in journal
Printsipy ustanovleniya i izmenchivost' taksonov tabulyat [Принципы установления и изменчивость таксонов табулят]
Tessakov, Yu, I.
Stratigrafiâ i paleontologiâ drevnejšego fanerozoâ
Year: 1984 | Pages: 111-123 | article in book