Virtual reference collection

Bioerosion of stromatoporoids

Toom, Ursula

Library references

10 results
First report of an aulaceratid stromatoporoid from the Ordovician of Baltica
Jeon, J., Toom, U.
Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences
Year: 2024 | Volume: 73 | Pages: 71-80 | article in journal
Microstructure and Mineralogy of Paleozoic Stromatoporoidea
Stearn, C. W.
Tratise online 6
Year: 2010 | article in journal
Beneath the surface: community assembly and functions of the coral skeleton microbiome
Ricci, F., Rossetto Marcelino, V., Blackall, L. L., Kühl, M., Medina, M., Verbruggen, H.
Year: 2019 | Volume: 7 | article in journal
Microhabitat analyses of Silurian stromatoporoids as substrata for epibionts
Segars, M. T., Liddell, W. D.
Year: 1988 | Volume: 3 | Pages: 391 | article in journal
Commensaux des tabulés et stromatoporoïdes du Dévonien armoricain
Plusquellec, Y.
Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord
Year: 1968 | Volume: 88 | Pages: 47-56 | article in journal
Cavities and cryptic faunas beneath non-reef stromatoporoids
Kershaw, S.
Year: 1980 | Volume: 13 | Pages: 327–338 | article in journal
The influence of Trypanites in the diagenesis of Devonian stromatoporoids
Pemberton, G. S., Jones, B., Edgecombe. G.
Journal of Paleontology
Year: 1988 | Volume: 62 | Pages: 22-31 | article in journal
Organic Dependence and Disease: Their Origin and Significance
Clarke, J. M.
Year: 1921 | Pages: 1-113 | book
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