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Estonian glauconite sandstone related literature

Hints, R. et al.

Library references

36 results
Rentgenodifraktometričeskie issledovaniâ glaukonita Èstonii pri raznyh temperaturah do 1500 C
Utsal, K., Utsal, V.
V mežvedomstvennoe soveŝanie po rentgenografii mineral'nogo syr'â: tezisy dokladov
Year: 1972 | Pages: 93-94 | abstract
Influence of glauconite on physical properties of sedimentary rocks from the Baltic area
Shogenova, A., Fabricius, I. L., Rastenienė, V., Šliaupa, S.
Geophysics in the Baltic Region: problems and prospects for the new millennium. International conference. Abstracts & excursion guide
Year: 2000 | Pages: 63-64 | abstract
Müürisepp, K.
Geologiâ SSSR. Tom XXVIII. Èstonskaâ SSR
Year: 1960 | Volume: 28 | Pages: 307-313 | article in book
Morphology of glauconite grains in Lower Cambrian deposits of the northern Baltic Area
Rätsep, M.
Authigenic minerals of terrigenous sediments of the Baltic
Year: 1981 | Pages: 78-92 | article in book
Neutron activation analysis of phosphorites, their enrichment products and concentrate of glauconite
Pelekis, L., Kirret, O., Taure, I., Pelekis, Z., Eglit, G., Rajavee, E., Ahelik, V.
Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR. Chemistry
Year: 1988 | Volume: 37 | Pages: 282-284 | article in journal
Glaukoniitliiva keemilisest koostisest ja tema kasutamise võimalustest Eesti NSV-s
Maldre, J.
Eesti Geograafia Seltsi Aastaraamat 1969
Year: 1971 | Pages: 68-74 | article in book
Glauconite in the Cambrian-Lower Ordovician succession of the East Baltic
Ivanovskaya, T., Dronov, A.
4th Annual Meeting of IGCP 591, Estonia, 10–19 June 2014. Abstracts and Field Guide
Year: 2014 | Pages: 44-44 | abstract
Organic-walled microfossils and glauconite mineralogy of the Varangu formation in its stratotype
Paalits, I., Kurvits, T., Puura, I.
The Fourth Baltic Stratigraphical Conference. Problems and Methods of Modem Regional Stratigraphy. Abstracts
Year: 1999 | Pages: 76-78 | abstract
The colour, form of the particles and structural characteristics of the Estonian glauconite at different temperatures below 1500° C
Utsal, K., Utsal, V.
Tartu Riikliku Ülikooli Toimetised
Year: 1981 | Volume: 561 | Pages: 50-71 | article in journal
Põlevkivid. Glaukoniit-liivakivi
Luha, A.
Eesti NSV maavarad. Rakendusgeoloogiline kokkuvõtlik ülevaade
Year: 1946 | Pages: 80-84 | article in book
Muud tahked maavarad. Glaukoniitliivakivi
Raudsep, R., Räägel, V., Savitskaja, L., Orru, M., Kattai, V.
Eesti maapõuerikkusi
Year: 1993 | Pages: 46-47 | article in book
Eesti NSV glaukoniit veepehmendajana
Vilbok, H.
Eesti NSV Tööstusprobleemide Instituudi väljanne
Year: 1949 | Volume: 4 | Pages: 1-47 | book
Eesti glaukoniitliiv veepehmendajana
Kirret, O., Vilbok, H.
Tehnika: Eesti Teaduslike Insener-Tehniliste Ühingute teaduslik-tehnilised tööd : kogumik 1946/1
Year: 1946 | Volume: 1 | Pages: 68-73 | article in book
Glaukonit kak zelenyj pigment i ego primenenie dlâ stroitel'nyh pokrasok
Polikarpov, N., Landra, E., Pardane, O., Risto, L.
Year: 1953 | Volume: 2 | Pages: 108-121 | article in journal
Voprosy nomenklatury i klassifikacii glaukonita
Lazarenko, E.
Voprosy mineralogii osadočnyh obrazovanij
Year: 1956 | Volume: 3-4 | Pages: 345-379 | article in book
Über Endoceras glauconiticum n. sp. aus dem Glaukonitkalk BII Estlands
Heinrichson, Th.
Tartu Ülikooli juures oleva Loodusuurijate Seltsi Aruanded
Year: 1935 | Volume: 41 | Pages: 317-320 | article in journal
Glaukoniit kaalisoola allikana
Anso, J.
Year: 1947 | Pages: 1-75 | book
On the economic efficiency of including glauconite sandstone in the underground mining contour of Estonian phosphorite deposits
Detkovski, S., Petersell, V., Päsok, R.
Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Geoloogia / Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Геология
Year: 1985 | Volume: 34 | Pages: 77-84 | article in journal
Perspektivnye poleznye iskopaemye neposredstvennoj vskryši fosforitov rajona ih otkrytoj razrabotki: graptolitovye argillity. Alevritobye gliny. Glaukonitobye pesčaniki
Raudsep, R.
Geology and mineral resources of the Rakvere phosphorite-bearing area
Year: 1987 | Pages: 147-151 | article in book
Phosphatized burrows from the basal layer of the “Glauconite Sandstone” (Billingen Regional Stage) of the Tosna River
Fedorov, P., Ershova, V.
WOGOGOB-2004 Conference Materials. Abstracts and Field Guidebook
Year: 2004 | Pages: 33-33 | article in book
Toila glaukoniitpaas. Paetekke algus Baltika šelfimere lõunapoolkera jahedas parasvöötmes
Einasto, R., Sarv, Aat
Year: 2014 | Pages: 12-13 | article in journal
On the lithology of glauconite rocks of the Toolse deposit
Heinsalu, H.
Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Keemia, Geoloogia / Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Химия. Геология
Year: 1975 | Volume: 24 | Pages: 215-218 | article in journal
KIKNATARCSARVTÜ Loodusmuuseumi geokogudEesti Loodusmuuseumi geoloogia osakond
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