Bibliography of Olev Vinn
Olev Vinn is Estonian paleontologist. He has studied taxonomy and described new taxa of brachiopods, cornulitids, microconchids, serpulid polychaetes and trace fossils. He has described serpulid faunas of Mesozoic to Recent hydrocarbon seeps. Vinn is a well-known specialist of problematic tubicolous organisms from the Ediacaran to Cenozoic. During the first period of his studies he described majority of polychaete annelid skeletal microstructures and ultrastructures, both in fossils and Recent tubeworms. He found that oriented tube structures are present in many serpulid species and cannot be explained by the traditional carbonate slurry model. Vinn has hypothesized that oriented structures in serpulid tubes should have been secreted in the same way as oriented structures in mollusc shells. Most recently Vinn’s studies have been focused on evolutionary paleoeocology and ichnology. Vinn’s favorite research topic is early evolution of symbiosis in marine invertebrates, such as cornulitids, conulariids, microconchids, bryozoans, brachiopods, crinoids, stromatoporoids, tabulates and rugosans. He has also studied predation in the early Palaeozoic.