Virtual reference collection

Crystalline basement of Estonia

ResTA Project

Library references

494 results
New insights of the crustal structure across Estonia using satellite potential fields derived from WGM-2012 gravity data and EMAG2v3 magnetic data
Solano-Acosta, J. D., Soesoo, A., Hints, R.
Year: 2023 | Volume: 846 | Pages: 229656 | article in journal
Research of the bedrock geology of the Central Baltic Sea
Grigelis, A.
Year: 2011 | Volume: 24 | Pages: 1-12 | article in journal
Geological Map of the Crystalline Basement of Northern Estonia 1:200 000
Koppelmaa, H., Kivisilla, J.
Year: 1998 | Pages: 32 | report
The distal effects of the Neugrund (Estonia, Gulf of Finland) impact
Suuroja, S., Suuroja, K.
Abstracts and Proceedings of the Geological Society of Norway
7th ESF-IMPACT Workshop “Submarine craters and ejecta-crater correlation and ICY impacts and ICY targets", Abstracts.
Year: 2001 | Pages: 83-84 | abstract
Kärdla (Estonia, Hiiumaa Island) impact crater and the Geotrail
Suuroja, K., Suuroja, S.
Abstracts and Proceedings of the Geological Society of Norway
7th ESF-IMPACT Workshop “ISubmarine craters and ejecta-crater correlation and ICY impacts and ICY targets", Abstracts.
Year: 2001 | Pages: 79-79 | abstract
The impact structures of Estonia
Suuroja, K., Suuroja, S.
6th ESF-IMPACT Workshop “Impact Markers in the Stratigraphic Record”, Abstract Book. Granada (Spain), May 19-25, 2001
Year: 2001 | Pages: 123-125 | abstract
On the genesis of the depression of the Gulf of Finland
Miidel, A., Puura, V.
The Baltic Marine Geological Colloquium. Abstracts
Year: 1987 | abstract
Plii-tsingi mineraliseerumise uuringutulemused
Puura, V., Sudov, B.
Year: 1967 | report
Kristalliinse vundamendi uuringutulemused
Puura, V., Koppelmaa, H.
Year: 1967 | report
Eesti NSV tektooniline kaart mõõtkavas 1:500 000
Puura, V., Kivimägi, E.
Year: 1967 | report
Aruanne süvakaardistamisest Tallinn-Kõrvemee piirkonnas (Põhja-Eesti) mõõtkavas 1:500 000 1978.-1982. a
Koppelmaa, H., Gromov, O., Kivisilla, J., Klein, V., Lodjak, T., Mardla, A., Niin, M., Puura, V., Suuroja, K.
Year: 1982 | report
Aruanne kristalliinse vundamendi süvakaardistamisest Tapa-Assamalla ja Haljala piirkonnas (Põhja-Eesti) 1977.-1979. a
Koppelmaa, H., Gromov, O., Kala, E., Kivisilla, J., Klein, V., Mardla, A., Niin, M., Niin, S., Puura, V., Suuroja, K.
Year: 1979 | report
Aruanne graniidiotsingutest Maardu piirkonnas
Suuroja, K.
Year: 1979 | report
KIKNATARCSARVTÜ Loodusmuuseumi geokogudEesti Loodusmuuseumi geoloogia osakond
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