Virtual reference collection

Lembit Sarv, Bibliography

Toom, U.

Library references

63 results
On Kiltsiella rosensteinae (Sarv)
Siveter, D. J., Sarv, L.
A Stereo-Atlas of Ostracod Shells. Volume 20
Year: 1993 | Volume: 20 | Pages: 9-12 | article in book
On Venzavella costata (Neckaja)
Siveter, D. J., Sarv, L.
A Stereo-Atlas of Ostracod Shells. Volume 18
Year: 1991 | Volume: 18 | Pages: 9-12 | article in book
On Limbinariella macroreticulata Sarv
Siveter, D. J., Sarv, L.
A Stereo-Atlas of Ostracod Shells. Volume 18
Year: 1991 | Volume: 18 | Pages: 5-8 | article in book
On Orcofabella testata (Gailite)
Siveter, D. J., Sarv, L.
A Stereo-Atlas of Ostracod Shells. Volume 18
Year: 1991 | Volume: 18 | Pages: 1-4 | article in book
Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Geoloogia Instituudi Geoloogiamuuseum
Sarv, L.
Eesti NSV muuseumid
Year: 1961 | Pages: 168-182 | article in book
Eesti NSV ordoviitsiumi Megalaspis-lubjakivi (BII) ja Kunda lademe (BIII) ostrakoodidefauna
Sarv, L.
Year: 1952 | Pages: 1-84 | diploma thesis / BSc thesis
Osobennosti rasprostraneniâ ostrakod v pograničnyh otloženiâh ordovika i silura Severnoj Pribaltiki
Sarv, L., Meidla, T.
Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Geoloogia / Известия Академии наук Эстонской ССР. Геология
Year: 1986 | Volume: 35 | Pages: 89-90 | abstract
Morskoj daunton Pribaltiki
Kaljo, D. L., Klaamann, E. R., Sarv, L. J., Viira, V. J.
Granica silura i devona i biostratigrafiâ silura
Year: 1971 | Pages: 94-102 | article in book
Facialnyj kontrol' raspredeleniâ fauny v verhnellandoverijsko-venlokskih otloženiâh Severnoj Pribaltiki
Viira, V. J., Klaamann, E. R., Männil, R. P., Nestor, V. V., Rubel, M. P., Sarv, L. I., Einasto, R. E.
Paleotektonika Pribaltiki i Belorussii. Tezisy VIII soveŝaniâ po tektonike Belorussii i Pribaltiki
Year: 1980 | Pages: 20-21 | abstract
Facial'nyj kontrol' raspredeleniâ fauny v verhnellandoverijsko- venlokskih otloženiâh Severnoj Pribaltiki
Viira, V. J., Klaamann, E. R., Männil, R. P., Nestor, V. V., Rubel, M. P., Sarv, L. J., Einasto, R. E.
Tezisy dokladov XXII sessii Vsesoûznogo paleontologičeskogo obŝestva (26-30 ânvarâ 1976 g.)
Year: 1976 | Pages: 20-21 | abstract
Fauna ostrakod ordovika Èstonskoj SSR
Sarv, L.
kandidaaditöö autoreferaat
Year: 1955 | Pages: 1-21 | PhD thesis / Doctoral thesis / Candidate thesis
K stratigrafičeskomu raspredeleniû ostrakod v silure Pribaltiki
Sarv, L.
VII International Symposium on Ostracodes, Abstracts. Beograd, 21-29 July 1979
Year: 1979 | abstract
On the Silurian ostracode stratigraphy of East Baltic
Sarv, L.
Taxonomy, Biostratigraphy and distribution of ostracodes. Proceedings of the VII International Symposium on Ostracodes
Year: 1979 | Pages: 87-90 | article in book
Development of Ordovician Ostracodes of the East Baltic
Sarv, L.
International Geological Congress, XXIII session, Czechoslovakia 1968
Year: 1972 | Pages: 203-210 | article in book
Development of Ordovician ostracodes of the East Baltic
Sarv, L.
Problems of Palaeontology. International Geological Congress, XXIII session
Year: 1968 | Pages: 89-96 | article in book
On ostracodes in the stratotypic section of the Minija and Jūra formations
Sarv, L.
Geoloogilised märkmed 3
Year: 1976 | Pages: 36-41 | article in book
Facialnye zakonomernosti raspredeleniâ fauny v verhnem llandoveri i venloke Severnoi Pribaltiki
Klaamann, E. R., Einasto, R. E., Viira, V. J., Männil, R. P., Nestor, V. V., Rubel, M. P., Sarv, L. I.
rudy XXII sessii VPO. Èkostratigrafiâ i èkologicheskie sistemy geologičeskogo prošlogo
Year: 1980 | Pages: 38-47 | article in book
Zonal biostratigraphical schemes
Kanygin, A. V., Sidaravichiene, N. V., Sarv, L. I., Abushik, A. F., Tscigova, V. A., Gorak, S. V., Gusseva, E. A.
Практическое руководство по микрофауне СССР. Том 4. Остракоды палеозоя
Year: 1990 | Pages: 196-212 | article in book
Sarv, L.
The Silurian of Estonia
Year: 1970 | Pages: 157-171 | article in book
Marine Downtonian of the East Baltic area
Kaljo, D., Klaamann, E., Sarv, L., Viira, V.
Abstracts of the proceedings of the Third International Symposium of the Silurian-Devonian boundary and the Lower and Middle Devonian
Year: 1968 | Pages: 86-87 | abstract
On ostracode zonation of the East Baltic Upper Silurian
Sarv, L.
Ecostratigraphy of the East Baltic Silurian
Year: 1982 | Pages: 71-78 | article in book
Successions of chitinozoans and ostracodes as tools for time-rock correlations in the Estonian Silurian
Rubel, M., Nestor, V., Sarv, L., Sibul, I.
The Fifth Baltic Stratigraphical Conference "Basin Stratigraphy – Modern Methods and Problems", September 22 – 27, 2002, Vilnus, Lithuania: Extended Abstracts
Year: 2002 | Pages: 174-176 | abstract
Early Devonian leperditicopid ostracodes of the East Baltic and Podolia
Abushik, A. F., Meidla, T., Sarv, L.
TThe Fourth Baltic Stratigraphical Conference. Problems and Methods of Modem Regional Stratigraphy. Abstracts
Year: 1999 | Pages: 5-6 | abstract
Specific features of the Late Ordovician epoch of evolution in the Baltic Basin
Hints, L., Meidla, T., Nõlvak, J., Sarv, L.
WOGOGOB Newsletter, Stockholm, Sept. 1988
Year: 1988 | Pages: 7-7 | abstract
Dinamika fauny v Baltiyskom basseyne na granitse ordovka i silura
Klaamann, E., Meidla, T., Männik, P., Männil, R., Hints, L., Hestor, H., Nestor, V., Nõlvak, J., Rubel, M., Sarv, L.
Tesisy dokladov XXXII sessii Vsesoûznogo paleontologičeskogo obŝestva (27-30 âanvarâ 1986 g.). Važneyšie biotičeskie cobytiâ v istorii Zemli
Year: 1986 | Pages: 39-40 | abstract
KIKNATARCSARVTÜ Loodusmuuseumi geokogudEesti Loodusmuuseumi geoloogia osakond
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