Virtual reference collection

Anto Raukas. Bibliography

Toom, U.

Library references

1054 results
Late-glacial and Holocene shoreline displacement in the eastern Baltic
Raukas, A.
Year: 1999 | Volume: 7 | Pages: 69-74 | article in book
About land use and soil protection in Estonia
Raukas, A., Ratas, R.
Environmental Policy. Soil Protection Policies within the European Union
Year: 1999 | Pages: 159-164 | article in book
The investigations of spherulites in Europe with global purpose. Proposal for a new IGCP project
Detre, Cs. Jakabska, K., Raukas, A., Udubasa, G.
Year: 1999 | Pages: 1-8
Environmental problems in Estonian oil shale industry
Raukas, A.
Das internationale Symposium "Ökologische, technologische und rechtliche aspekte der lebensversorgung". Programm Abstracts
Year: 2010 | Pages: 94-95 | abstract
Kodu ja keskkond
Raukas, A.
Maaema Mess 1998
Year: 1998 | Pages: 32-33 | article in book
Groundwater and soil contamination in Estonia
Raukas, A.
Soil and Groundwater Pollution: Expanding Possibilities for Nordic.Baltic Cooperation. Vilnius, Lithuania, 13-15 April, 2000
Year: 2000 | Pages: 67-68 | abstract
Ecological security in Estonia - Russian military bases and mining of mineral resources
Raukas, A.
Estonia and the European Union: In Search of Security
Year: 1999 | Pages: 134-142 | article in book
Quaternary stratigraphy in Estonia
Raukas, A.
Sympozjum rzeźba i osady czwartorzedowe obszarów wspólczesnego i plejstocenskiego zlodowacenia pólkuli pólnocnej
Year: 1996 | Pages: 36-37 | abstract
Island of Saaremaa (Estonia) - a prospective geopark
Raukas, A., Stankowski, W.
International Conference on Geodiversity, natural and cultural heritage of the Kaszuby Region (Eastern Pomerania - Poland). Book of abstracts. 6-10 September 2010 Gdansk, Poland
Year: 2010 | Pages: 19-20 | abstract
State monitoring of sensitive areas of the Estonian coast
Raukas, A.
Modelling of specific and sensitive coastal areas of the Baltic Sea. Workshop: Environments in the NevaBay - Karelian Isthmus area, trough time. 26th May - 2nd June 1999, St. Petersburg. Abstracts
Year: 1999 | Pages: 50-50 | abstract
Sustainable development and environmental risks in Estonia
Raukas, A.
Year: 2010 | Pages: 351-356 | article in book
Seasonal variations of radon concentration in soil air in different geological conditions on the example of Estonia
Jüriado, K., Petersell, V., Raukas, A.
Year: 2014 | Volume: 56 | Pages: 87-97 | article in journal
Some dangerous Earth's fields on the example of Estonia
Raukas, A.
Proceedigs of International Conference Earth's Fields 2018. 24-26. August 2018 Tallinn, Estonia
Year: 2018 | Pages: 12 -18 | article in book
On the evolution of the river systems in the eastern Peribaltic
Raukas, A., Miidel, A.
Symposium Vistula basin 1988
Year: 1988 | abstract
Raukas, A.
Earths fields and their influence on organisms. Abstracts. International Seminar at Rõuge, June 26-30, 2000
Year: 2000 | Volume: 5 | Pages: 3-4 | article in book
Eesti-inglise ja inglise-eesti maapõuesõnaraamat / Estonian-English & English-Estonian Dictionary of Geology and Mining
Raudsep, R., Uibopuu, L., Adamson, A., Lauringson, V., Raukas, A., Toomik, A.
Year: 1999 | Pages: 3-112, + 3-118 | book
Moreenide mineraloogilise koosseisu muutumine leetumise käigus
Raukas, A.
Year: 1962 | Pages: 1-56 | report
Eesti NSV põhiliste moreenide litoloogia ja mineraloogia
Raukas, A.
Year: 1961 | Pages: 1-208 | report
¹⁸O konsentratsioonide 3D simulatsioon regionaalses skaalas: Eesti Arteesiabasseini näitel
Vallner, L., Marandi, A., Raidla, V., Ivask, J., Vaikmäe, R., Raukas, A.
Year: 2020 | report
Loit Reintam 70
Raukas, A.
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology
Year: 1999 | Volume: 48 | Pages: 251-252 | article in journal
PACT 57. Environmental and Cultural History of the Eastern Baltic Region
Miller, U., Hackens, T., Lang, V., Raukas, A., Hicks, S. (eds)
Year: 1999 | book
Nõukogude okupatsiooni poolt tekitatud keskkonnakahjud
Raukas, A.
Eesti okupatsioonikahjud ja inimkaotused
Year: 2018 | Pages: 67-82 | article in book
Eesti Okupatsioonikahjud ja Inimkaotused
Haud, J., Raukas, A., Salo, V., Varju, P.
Year: 2018 | Pages: 1-125 | book
Nõukogude okupatsioonivägede poolt tekitatud keskkonnakahjustused Eestis
Raukas, A.
Vene vägede lahkumisest Eestist. Nii nad läksid!
Year: 2015 | Pages: 38-40 | article in book
KIKNATARCSARVTÜ Loodusmuuseumi geokogudEesti Loodusmuuseumi geoloogia osakond
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