Virtual reference collection

Seismology publications related to Estonia

Soosalu, H.


Seismoloogia kirjanduse kogumikku on koondatud tükised jm väljaanded, kus on käsitletud Eesti maavärinaid jt Eestis tuvastatud seismilisi sündmusi.

Library references

44 results
Recent Intraplate Seismicity in Estonia, East European Platform
Soosalu, H., Uski, M., Komminaho, K., Veski, A.
Seismological Research Letters
Year: 2022 | Volume: 93 | Pages: 1800-1811 | article in journal
Lõhketööde seismiline seire
Soosalu, H., Anepaio, A.
Eesti maapõu
Year: 2012 | Pages: 54-63 | article in book
Prof. G. V. Levitski (1852-1918) and Yuryev (Tartu) Seismological Station in 1896-1912
Heinloo, O.
Proceedings of the Workshop: Historical Seismic Instruments and Documents : a Heritage of Great Scientific and Cultural Value, May 16 to 18th, 1995, Walferdange (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg)
Year: 1997 | Pages: 135- | article in book
Seismographs constructed after prince B. Galitzin and prof. J. Wilip
Heinloo, O.
Modern methods of processing and interpretation of seismological data. Materials from International seismological school dedicated to 100-annivesary foundation of seismic stations “Pulkovo” and “Ekaterinburg” Petergof, October 2–6, 2006
Year: 2006 | Pages: 145-156 | article in book
The Osmussaar Earthquake on October 25, 1976: Macroseismics, Seismotectonics, an source Mechanism
Nikonov, A. A.
Fizika Zemli
Year: 2002 | Pages: 74-88 | article in journal
Lõhkamise seismiline mõju põlevkivi kaevandamisel
Tomberg, T., Toomik, A.
60 aastat mäeinseneride õpetamist Eestis : aastapäevakonverentsi [19. novembril 1998] ettekannete teesid ja artiklid
Year: 1998 | Pages: 33-38 | article in book
Kaevandusvaringute avastamine Eesti põlevkivimaardlas seismiliste sündmuste abil
Otsmaa, M., Soosalu, H., Valgma, I., Pastarus, J.-R.
Kaevandamine ja keskkond
Year: 2012 | Pages: 157-163 | article in book
Risk assessment of seismic impact on the roof and pillars stability in Estonian underground
Sabanov, S., Pastarus, J., Nikitin, O., Väli, E.
Estonian Journal of Engineering
Year: 2008 | Volume: 57 | Pages: 325-333 | article in journal
Kuidas puudutab seismoloogia kaevandamist?
Soosalu, H., Valgma, I.
Mäenduse maine
Year: 2009 | Pages: 80-87 | article in book
Mine Blasts in the Aru-Lõuna Limestone Quarry - a Multidiciplinary Study Using Seismology and Mining Engineering
Ring, M., Noška, M., Soosalu, H., Valgma, I., Iskül, R.
Proceedings of the13th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering. Doctoral School of Energy and Geotechnology II". Pärnu 2013
Year: 2013 | Pages: 272-275 | article in book
Seismoloogilistest töödest Eestis
Frisch, K.
Tartu Ülikooli juures oleva Loodusuurijate Seltsi Aruanded
Year: 1932 | Pages: 65-67 | article in journal
Kaliningrad earthquakes, Sept 21, 2004: macroseismic effects in Estonia
Vall, T., Kalle, A., Talts, K., Veske, A., Kestlane, Ü., Heinloo, O., Puura, V.
The Kaliningrad eartquake September 21, 2004. Workshop materials
Year: 2005 | Pages: 39-43 | abstract
Is the Baltic-Bothnian Belt of crustal weakness seismoactive?
Puura, V., Floden, T., Mokrik, R.
The Kaliningrad eartquake September 21, 2004. Workshop materials
Year: 2005 | Pages: 32-34 | abstract
The September 21, 2004, earthquakes of Kaliningrad region on Vasula seismic station recordings
Heinloo, O.
The Kaliningrad eartquake September 21, 2004. Workshop materials
Year: 2005 | Pages: 14-16 | abstract
Felt reports at large distances of the earthquakes in non-seismic Kaliningrad inwest Russia
Gregersen, S., Mäntyniemi, P., Nikonov, A. A., Aptikaev, F. F., Aleshin, A. S., Assinovskaya, B. A., Pogrebchenko, V. V., Guterch, B., Nikulin, V., Pacesa, R., Wahlström, R., Schweitzer, J., Kulhanek, O., Holmquist, C., Heinloo, O., Puura, V.
The Kaliningrad eartquake September 21, 2004. Workshop materials
Year: 2005 | Pages: 11-12 | abstract
Eesti sai seismoloogi Soomest!
Arusoo, H.
Year: 2008 | article in journal
Seismic properties of soil in the Eastern Baltiс Sea Region based on the horizontal to vertical spectral ratio method
Nikulins, V.
Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences
Year: 2017 | Volume: 66 | Pages: 109-117 | article in journal
Seismilised koristustalgud - teeme ära!
Soosalu, H., Uski, M., Oinonen, K., Lund, B.
XXIV Aprillikonverentsi „Maapõuekasutus ja keskkonnahoid“ teesid
Year: 2016 | Pages: 19-19 | abstract
Põlevkivimaa lõhkamised seismilise seire vaatepunktist
Soosalu, H.
XVI aprillikonverentsi "Põlevkivimaa - probleemid ja tulevik" teesid
Year: 2008 | Pages: 32-33 | abstract
Seismiline seire
Heinloo, O., Heinloo, A.
Eesti keskkonnaseire 2004-2006
Year: 2008 | Pages: 107-108 | article in book
Blasting parameters and seismic data - a background study
Ring, M., Soosalu, H., Nikulins, V.
12th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering", Doctoral Scholl of Energy and Geotechnology, Kuressaare, Estonia, 11-16.06.2012
Year: 2012 | Pages: 176-178 | abstract
Detection of mine collaps with seismic methods - a case study from Estonia
Soosalu, H., Valgma, I.
International Oil Shale Symposium, Tallinn, Estonia, 8-11 June 2009
Year: 2009 | Pages: 101-102 | abstract
Detection of Mine Collapses with Seismic Methods in the Estonian Oil Shale Mining Area
Otsmaa, M., Soosalu, H., Valgma, I.
12th International Symposium "Topical Problems in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering", Doctoral Scholl of Energy and Geotechnology, Kuressaare, Estonia, 11-16.06.2012
Year: 2012 | Pages: 171-172 | abstract
Blasting of overburden rock in Estonian oil shale open casts - A multidiciplinary study using seismology and mining engineering
Soosalu, H., Ring, M., Noška, M., Iskül, R., Valgma, I.
International Oil Shale Symposium Tallinn, Estonia, 10.-13.06.2013
Year: 2013 | Pages: 60-60 | abstract
KIKNATARCSARVTÜ Loodusmuuseumi geokogudEesti Loodusmuuseumi geoloogia osakond
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