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Bibliography of bioerosional trace fossils

Toom, U.


Bioerosion is mostly used for the breakdown of different hard substrates through the biological activities of animals, plants and microbes that produce both mechanical and chemical erosion.


Library references

2151 results
First soft body morphological data on the tracemaker of the endolithic bryozoan trace fossil Terebripora ramosa d'Orbigny, 1842
Decker, S. H., Aguilera, F., Saadi, A. J., Schwaha, T.
Journal of Morphology
Year: 2024 | Volume: 285 | article in journal
Fossil oysters from the southernmost coast of Brazil: Bioerosion and palaeoenvironmental implications
Anzai, F. N. U., Diniz, D., Spotorno, P., Dentzien-Dias, P.
The Holocene
Year: 2024 | Volume: 34 | Pages: 1321-1328 | article in journal
Bioerosion and encrustation in late triassic reef corals from Iran
Burger, M., Dimitrijević, D., Kiessling, W.
Year: 2024 | Volume: 70 | article in journal
Two successive predatory attacks on the Late Ordovician (Sandbian) gastropod Deaechospira elliptica
Vinn, O., Isakar, M., Alkahtane, A. A., El Hedeny, M., Al Farraj, S., Toom, U.
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie. Abhandlungen
Year: 2024 | article in journal
The new ichnospecies Teredolites solitarius and its taphonomy from the Cenozoic carbonate intervals of Kutch Basin, India
Srivastava, A., Das, M., Dasgupta, S., D’souza, R.
Historical Biology
Year: 2024 | Pages: 1-22 | article in journal
Trace fossils
Maples, C. G., West, R. R.
Short Courses in Paleontology
Year: 1992 | Volume: 5 | Pages: 1-238 | article in journal
Trace fossils from the Maastrichtian chalk of the Isle of Rügen, north-east Germany
Knaust, D., Schnick, H.
Geologie en Mijnbouw
Year: 2024 | Volume: 103 | article in journal
Comparison of sclerobiont communities between three brachiopod host species from the Upper Ordovician Fairview Formation, Eastern USA
Freeman Peters, G. T., Schneider, C. L., Leighton, L. R.
Year: 2024 | Volume: 57 | Pages: 1-16 | article in journal
Rare bioerosion in large benthic foraminifera in the Eocene of NE Iran: Implications for global warming and trophic regime
Vinn, O., Hadi, M., Xi, D., Allameh, M.
Marine Micropaleontology
Year: 2024 | Pages: 102369 | article in journal
Effects of Water Depth, Seasonal Exposure, and Substrate Orientation on Microbial Bioerosion in the Ionian Sea (Eastern Mediterranean)
Färber, C., Wisshak, M., Pyko, I., Bellou, N., Freiwald, A.
Year: 2015 | Volume: 10 | Pages: e0126495 | article in journal
Acid secretion by the boring organ of the burrowing giant clam, Tridacna crocea
Hill, R. W., Armstrong, E. J., Inaba, K., Morita, M., Tresguerres, M., Stillman, J. H., Roa, J. N., Kwan, G. T.
Biology Letters
Year: 2018 | Volume: 14 | Pages: 20180047 | article in journal
Beobachtungen iiber den Nahrungsewerb bei der Naticide Lunatia nitida Donovan (Gastropoda Prosobranchia).
Ziegelmeier, E.
Year: 1954 | Volume: 5 | Pages: 1-33 | article in journal
Unsuccessful predation and evolution
Vermeij, G. J.
The American Naturalist
Year: 1982 | Volume: 120 | Pages: 701-720 | article in journal
Biogeography and Adaptation. Patterns of Marine Life
Vermeij, G. J.
Year: 1978 | Pages: 1-332 | book
Feeding habits of predatory gastropods in a Tertiary (Eocene) assemblage from the Paris Basin
Taylor, J. D.
Year: 1970 | Volume: 13 | Pages: 254-260 | article in journal
Predatory shell drilling by two species of Austroginella (Gastropoda; Marginellidae).
Ponder, W. F., Taylor, J. D.
Journal of Zoology
Year: 1992 | Volume: 228 | Pages: 317-328 | article in journal
An analysis of boreholes drilled by Natica catena (Da Costa) in the valves of Donax vittatus (Da Costa)
Negus, M.
Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London
Year: 1975 | Volume: 41 | Pages: 353-356 | article in journal
First report of shell boring predation by a member of the Nassariidae (Gastropoda)
Morton, B., Chan, K.
Journal of Molluscan Studies
Year: 1997 | Volume: 63 | Pages: 476-478 | article in journal
Anomalies in naticid predatory behavior: A critique and experimental observation
Kitchell, J. A., Boggs, C. H., Rice, J. A., Kitchell, J. F., Hoffman, A., Martinell, J.
Year: 1986 | Volume: 27 | Pages: 291-298 | article in journal
Corbules fossiles perfores par des gastropodes predateurs
Fisher, P. H.
Journal de Conchyliologie
Year: 1963 | Volume: 103 | Pages: 29-31 | article in journal
A comparison of predatory behaviour among the naticid gastropods Lunatia heros, Lunatia triseriata and Polinices duplicatus.
Berg, C. J., Porter, M. E.
Biological Bulletin
Year: 1974 | Volume: 470 | Pages: 469-470 | article in journal
Middle Miocene (Badenian) gastropods from Korytnica, Poland; Part III
Baluk, W.
Palaeontologia Polonica
Year: 1997 | Volume: 45 | Pages: 1-75 | article in journal
Middle Miocene (Badenian) gastropods from Korytnica, Poland; Part II
Baluk, W.
Palaeontologia Polonica
Year: 1995 | Volume: 45 | Pages: 1-153 | article in journal
Lower Tortonian gastropods from Korytnica, Poland. Part I
Baluk, W.
Palaeontologia Polonica
Year: 1975 | Volume: 32 | Pages: 1-186 | article in journal
A hermeneutic analysis of the shell-drilling predation on molluscs in the Korytnica Clays (Middle Miocene; Holy Cross Mountains, Central Poland)
Kowalewski, M.
Acta Geologica Polonica
Year: 1990 | Volume: 40 | Pages: 183-214 | article in journal
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