Virtual reference collection
Bibliography of bioerosional trace fossils
Toom, U.
Bioerosion is mostly used for the breakdown of different hard substrates through the biological activities of animals, plants and microbes that produce both mechanical and chemical erosion.
Library references
2421 results
Rocky shoreline deposits in the Lower Silurian (upper Llandovery, Telychian) Chicotte Formation, Anticosti Island, Quebec
Desrochers, A.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
Year: 2006 | Volume: 43 | Pages: 1205-1214 | article in journal
Polygenetic (Polyphase) Karsted Hardground Omission Surfaces In Lower Silurian Neritic Limestones: Anticosti Island, Eastern Canada
James, N. P., Desrochers, A., Kyser, T. K.
Journal of Sedimentary Research
Year: 2015 | Volume: 85 | Pages: 1138-1154 | article in journal
Erosional and depositional textures and structures in coastal karst landscapes
Taboroši, D., Kázmér, M.
Coastal Karst Landforms
Year: 2013 | Pages: 15–57 | article in book
Bioerosion of intertidal limestone, Co. Clare, Eire — 3: Zonation, process and form
Trudgill, S.
Marine Geology
Year: 1987 | Volume: 74 | Pages: 111-121 | article in journal
Microbial micritic cementation in deep time: Implications for early marine lithification and paleoenvironmental reconstruction
Belkhedim, S., Eberli, G. P., López Correa, M., Sadji, R., Nemra, A., Benhamou, M., Munnecke, A.
Sedimentary Geology
Year: 2024 | Volume: 471 | Pages: 106727 | article in journal
Trypanites ichnofacies and its multifarious significance: A case study from the Miocene Boka Bil Formation of Manipur, India
Inaobi, K., Kundal, P., Singh, M. C., Singh, C. S.
Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India
Year: 2023 | Volume: 68 | Pages: 68-83 | article in journal
The age, origin and tectonic significance of Mesozoic sediment-filled fissures in the Mendip Hills (SW England): implications for extension models and Jurassic sea-level curves
Wall, G. R. T., Jenkyns, H. C.
Geological Magazine
Year: 2004 | Volume: 141 | Pages: 471-504 | article in journal
Firmgrounds and hardgrounds in the Coniacian carbonate platform of the Iberian basin: Origin and model for development of omission surfaces in tidal environments
García-Hidalgo, J. F., Gil-Gil, J.
Sedimentary Geology
Year: 2024 | Volume: 470 | Pages: 106713 | article in journal
Development of the primary gonads and differentiation of sexuality in Teredo navalis and other pelecypod mollusks
Coe, W. R.
The Biological Bulletin
Year: 1943 | Volume: 84 | Pages: 168-176 | article in journal
Sexual phases in wood-boring mollusks
Coe, W. R.
The Biological Bulletin
Year: 1941 | Volume: 81 | Pages: 168-176 | article in journal
Sexual rhythm in the pelecypod mollusc Teredo
Coe, W. R.
Year: 1934 | Volume: 80 | Pages: 192-192 | article in journal
Sexual phases in Teredo
Coe, W. R.
The Biological Bulletin
Year: 1933 | Volume: 65 | Pages: 283-303 | article in journal
Destruction of Mooring Ropes by Teredo; Growth and Habits in an Unusual Environment
Coe, W. R.
Year: 1933 | Volume: 77 | Pages: 447-449 | article in journal
Evidence of sea-level fall in sequence stratigraphy: Examples from the Jurassic: Comment and Reply
Coe, A. L., Hesselbo, S. P.
Year: 2000 | Volume: 28 | Pages: 96-96 | article in journal
Fine structural features of destruction of calcareous substrata by the burrowing sponge Cliona celata
Cobb, W. R.
Transactions of the American Microscopical Society
Year: 1975 | Volume: 94 | Pages: 197-202 | article in journal
Depth Maxima of Conchocelis and Phymatolithon rugulosum on the N. W. Shelf and Rockall Plateau
Clokie, J. J. P., Scoffin, T. P., Boney, A .D.
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Year: 1981 | Volume: 4 | Pages: 131-133 | article in journal
The significance of Conchocelis as an indicator organism, data from the Firth of Clyde and N.W. Shelf
Clokie, J. J .P., Boney, A. D., Farrow, G.
British Phycological Journal
Year: 1979 | Volume: 14 | Pages: 120-121 | article in journal
Cochocelis distribution on the firth of clyde: estimates of the lower limits of the photic zone
Clokie, J., Boney, A.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
Year: 1980 | Volume: 46 | Pages: 111-125 | article in journal
The genus Bankia in the western Atlantic
Clench, W. J., Turner, R. D.
Year: 1946 | Volume: 2 | Pages: 1-28 | article in journal
Relative roles of bioerosion and typhoon-induced disturbance on the dynamics of a high latitude scleractinian coral community
Clark, T., Morton, B.
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
Year: 1999 | Volume: 79 | Pages: 803-820 | article in journal
Marine borers. An annotated bibliography
Clapp, W. F., Kenk, R.
Year: 1963 | Pages: xii, 1-1136 | book
Evolutionary and Ontogenetic Variability and Crinoid-Platyceratid Symbiosis of Cromyocrinus simplex Trautschold, 1867 (Crinoidea, Echinodermata) from the Pennsylvanian of the Moscow Region
Mirantsev, G. V., Fedorov, I. D.
Paleontological Journal
Year: 2024 | Volume: 58 | Pages: S182-S191 | article in journal
Symbiotic Relationships of Paleozoic Echinoderms
Mirantsev, G. V., Anekeeva, G. A., Krutykh, A. A., Rozhnov, S. V.
Paleontological Journal
Year: 2024 | Volume: 58 | Pages: S206-S233 | article in journal
Burrowing into limestone by sabellid polychaetes
Chughtai, I., Knight-Jones, E. W.
Zoologica Scripta
Year: 1988 | Volume: 17 | Pages: 231-238 | article in journal
Studies on the lime-boring algae of China. I: A preliminary report on lime-boring algae of the Xisha Islands
Chu, H. J., Wu, B. D.
Year: 1984 | Volume: 6 | Pages: 227-228 | article in journal