45779 results
Karst Landforms and Limestones
Sweeting, M. M.
South African Geographical Journal
Year: 1973 | Volume: 55 | Pages: 81-88 | article in journal
The coiled Middle Ordovician cephalopod genera Trocholites and Curtoceras (Tarphyceratida) from Baltoscandia and north-central Europe
Aubrechtová, M., & Korn, D.
European Journal of Taxonomy
Year: 2025 | Volume: 982 | Pages: 1-78 | article in journal
Role of microbial mats in the fossilization of soft tissues
Wilby, P. R., Briggs, D. E. G., Bernier, P., Gaillard, C.
Year: 1996 | Volume: 24 | Pages: 787 | article in journal
A unifying model for Neoproterozoic–Palaeozoic exceptional fossil preservation through pyritization and carbonaceous compression
Schiffbauer, J. D., Xiao, S., Cai, Y., Wallace, A. F., Hua, H., Hunter, J., Xu, H., Peng, Y., Kaufman, A. J.
Nature Communications
Year: 2014 | Volume: 5 | article in journal
Exceptional preservation of soft tissues by microbial entombment: insights into the taphonomy of the Crato Konservat-Lagerstätte
Varejão, F. G., Warren, L. V., Simões, M. G., Fürsich, F. T., Matos, S. A., Assine, M. L.
Year: 2019 | Volume: 34 | Pages: 331-348 | article in journal
The Role of Decay and Mineralization in the Preservation of Soft-Bodied Fossils
Briggs, D. E.
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Year: 2003 | Volume: 31 | Pages: 275-301 | article in journal
Do all mass extinctions represent an ecological crisis? Evidence from the Late Ordovician
Brenchley, P. J., Marshall, J. D., Underwood, C. J.
Geological Journal
Year: 2001 | Volume: 36 | Pages: 329-340 | article in journal
The Bedrock Geology of Varanger Peninsula, Finnmark, North Norway: An Excursion Guide
Siedlecka, A., Roberts, D.
Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse Special Publication
Year: 1992 | Volume: 5 | Pages: 1-45 | book
Does the Pillistfer stony meteorite contain a rare mineral, covellite-phase copper(II)sulphide?
Niilisk, Ahti
Book of Abstrats: International Conference "Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies 2017" (FM&NT-2017)
Year: 2017 | Pages: 154 | article in book
Crustal Heterogeneity Onshore Central Spitsbergen: Insights From New Gravity and Vintage Geophysical Data
Senger, K., Ammerlaan, F., Betlem, P., Brönner, M., Dumais, M., Gellein, J., Henningsen, T., Janocha, J., Johannessen, E. P., Liebsch, J., Machleidt, J., Mosočiová, T., Olaussen, S., Olofsson, B., Rodes, N., Rylander, S., Shephard, G. E., Smyrak‐Sikora, A., Solano‐Acosta, J. D., Sterley, A.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
Year: 2025 | Volume: 26 | article in journal
Subtidal carbonate cycles: Implications for allocyclic vs. autocyclic controls
Osleger, D.
Year: 1991 | Volume: 19 | Pages: 917 | article in journal
Rocky shoreline deposits in the Lower Silurian (upper Llandovery, Telychian) Chicotte Formation, Anticosti Island, Quebec
Desrochers, A.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
Year: 2006 | Volume: 43 | Pages: 1205-1214 | article in journal
Polygenetic (Polyphase) Karsted Hardground Omission Surfaces In Lower Silurian Neritic Limestones: Anticosti Island, Eastern Canada
James, N. P., Desrochers, A., Kyser, T. K.
Journal of Sedimentary Research
Year: 2015 | Volume: 85 | Pages: 1138-1154 | article in journal
Erosional and depositional textures and structures in coastal karst landscapes
Taboroši, D., Kázmér, M.
Coastal Karst Landforms
Year: 2013 | Pages: 15–57 | article in book
Bioerosion of intertidal limestone, Co. Clare, Eire — 3: Zonation, process and form
Trudgill, S.
Marine Geology
Year: 1987 | Volume: 74 | Pages: 111-121 | article in journal
Silurian global events – at the tipping point of climate change
Calner, M.
Mass Extinction
Year: 2008 | article in book
A sequence stratigraphical model for the Late Ludfordian (Silurian) of Gotland, Sweden: implications for timing between changes in sea level, palaeoecology, and the global carbon cycle
Eriksson, M. J., Calner, M.
Year: 2008 | Volume: 54 | Pages: 253-276 | article in journal
A lowstand epikarstic intertidal flat from the middle Silurian of Gotland, Sweden
Calner, M.
Sedimentary Geology
Year: 2002 | Volume: 148 | Pages: 389-403 | article in journal
Quaternary crusts on slopes of the Mediterranean Sea: A tentative explanation for their genesis
Allouc, J.
Marine Geology
Year: 1990 | Volume: 94 | Pages: 205-238 | article in journal
Seafloor silicification and hardground development during deposition of 2.5 Ga banded iron formations
Rasmussen, B., Krapež, B., Muhling, J. R.
Year: 2015 | Volume: 43 | Pages: 235-238 | article in journal
Symbiosis between bryozoans with erect cribrate colonies and rugose corals from the lower Katian (Upper Ordovician) of Estonia
Vinn, O., Ernst, A., Wilson, M., Toom, U.
Carnets de Géologie
Year: 2025 | Volume: 25 | Pages: 147-154 | article in journal
Paleokarst in Middle Devonian Winnipegosis mud mounds, subsurface of south-central Saskatchewan, Canada
Fu, Q., Quing, H., Bergman, K. M.
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology
Year: 2006 | Volume: 54 | Pages: 22-36 | article in journal
Late Dinatian paleokarst of England and Wales: implications for exposure surface development
Vanstone, S. D.
Year: 1998 | Volume: 45 | Pages: 19–37 | article in journal
Global Cyclostratigraphy: An Application to the Eocene Green River Basin
Matthews, M. D., Perlmutter, M. A.
Orbital Forcing and Cyclic Sequences
Year: 1994 | Pages: 459-481 | article in book