Tagasi otsingusse
Bityukova et al., 2002

Magnetic Susceptibility as a Rapid Method of Estimation of Soils Pollution, Tallinn, Estonia

Bityukova, L., Scholger, R., Birke, M.
RaamatConference Proceedings, 64th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, May 2002
KirjastusEuropean Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
Kirjastuse kohtFlorence, Italy
Eesti autor


The measurements of low-field magnetic susceptibility (κ) were used in order to determine the intensity of the pollution in the result of the industrial activity and traffic in the territory of the biggest industrial center of Estonia. For these aims 270 topsoils from the center of the city and 74 soils collected along the main roadways were studied. Comparative analysis of geophysical and geochemical data was carried out using statistical methods (correlation and R-mode factor analysis). Analysis of the factor matrix permitted to...

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