Virtual reference collection

Stromatoporoids, references

Toom, U.

Library references

447 results
Facies, geometry and geological significance of Late Ordovician (early Caradocian) coral bioherms: Lourdes Formation, western Newfoundland
Batten Hender, K. L., Dix, G. R.
Year: 2006 | Volume: 53 | Pages: 1361-1379 | article in journal
Growth forms and distribution patterns of stromatoporoids exposed on Devonian palaeobottom surfaces; Holy Cross Mountains, central Poland
Łuczyński, P.
Acta Geologica Polonica
Year: 2008 | Volume: 58 | Pages: 321-324 | article in journal
Early Devonian (Pragian) decrease in global generic diversity of stromatoporoids, and their extreme decrease in paleogeographic distribution in North America
Stock, C. W., May, A., Ebert, J. R., Scotese, C. R., Hagadorn, J. W.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Year: 2025 | Volume: 663 | Pages: 112719 | article in journal
New Silurian stromatoporoida from Northern Nuratau of Southern Tien Shan
Lessovaya, A. I.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1991 | Volume: 1991 | Pages: 26-31 | article in journal
Novye stromatoporaty iz vrhnego devona Volgogradskogo Podvolzh'ja
Dan'shina, N. V.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1984 | Volume: 1984 | Pages: 107-109 | article in journal
O geneticheskih svjazjah Stromatoporata i nekotoryh Anthozoa
Bogoyavlenskaya, O. B., Yanet, F. E.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1983 | Volume: 1983 | Pages: 18-29 | article in journal
Stromatoporaty pozdnogo devona - rannego karbona
Bogoyavlenskaya, O. V.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1982 | Volume: 1982 | Pages: 33-38 | article in journal
Microbial origin of the Ordovician stromatoporoid-like organism Zondarella from the Argentine Precordillera and the post- Cambrian persistence of stromatolite microbialite reefs
Cañas, F., Carrera, M.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Year: 2023 | Volume: 627 | Pages: 111752 | article in journal
On systematic position of Stromatoporata
Bogoyavlenskaya, O. V., Boiko, E. V.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1979 | Volume: 1979 | Pages: 22-35 | article in book
Cambrian stromatoporoidea
Vlasov, A. N.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1961 | Volume: 1961 | Pages: 22-32 | article in journal
A new reef classification model with insights into Phanerozoic evolution of reef ecosystems
Yao, L., Kershaw, S., Shen, S., Wang, X.
Year: 2023 | Volume: 70 | Pages: 1886-1914 | article in journal
First aulaceratid stromatoporoid from Baltica
Jeon, J., Toom, U.
XI Baltic Stratigraphical Conference. Abstracts and Field Guide
Year: 2024 | Pages: 17-17 | abstract
Calcimicrobe-stromatoporoid bioherms from the upper Darriwilian of the Moyero River, Siberia: Implications for reef development during the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event
Jeon, J., Lykov, N., Dronov, A., Rostovtseva, Y., Toom, U., Li, Q.
Year: 2024 | Pages: 200907 | article in journal
Stromatopores of Clathrodictyidae and Actinostromatidae from the Silurian and Devonian of the Urals
Bogoyavlenskaya, O. V.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1965 | Volume: 1965 | Pages: 39-43 | article in journal
Paleontologicheskaya harakteristika ordovika Sayano-Altaiskoi oblasti. Stromatoporoidei
Khalfina, V. K.
Trudy SNIIGGIMS. Materialy po paleontologii i stratgrafii Zapadnoi Sibirii
Year: 1960 | Volume: Vypusk 8 | Pages: 357-358 | article in book
Dendrostroma species from the Devonian of north-eastern USSR
Khromych, V. G.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1967 | Volume: 1967 | Pages: 43-47 | article in journal
Application of biometrical methods to the study of Lophiostroma
Bol'shakova, L. N. (Bolshakova, L. N.)
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1968 | Volume: 1968 | Pages: 23-29 | article in journal
On the morphological terminology of stromatoporoids
Bogoyavlenskaya, O. V.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1968 | Volume: 1968 | Pages: 3-13 | article in journal
New stromatoporoids from the Upper Silurian of the Turkestan ridge
Lessovaya, A. I., Zacharova, V. M.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1970 | Volume: 1970 | Pages: 47-51 | article in journal
On the genus Paramphipora
Yavorsky, V. I.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1969 | Volume: 1969 | Pages: 129-130 | article in journal
Fossil hypercalcified sponges; types, relationships and geological history
Kershaw, S., Li, Q.
Year: 2024 | preprint (article in repository)
Pozdnedevonskii vid stromatoporoidei Srednogo Kavkaza [A late Ordovician stromatoporoid species of the Caucasus]
Yavorsky, V. I.
Year: 1971 | Volume: 1971 | Pages: 128-129 | article in journal
Ordovician and Silurian Labechiidae of Tuva
Bogoyavlenskaya, O. V.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1971 | Volume: 1971 | Pages: 32-38 | article in book
New silurian stromatoporoid genera from Tuva
Bogoyavlenskaya, O. V.
Paleontologicheski Zhurnal
Year: 1972 | Volume: 1972 | Pages: 26-31 | article in book
Growth forms of stromatoporoids in the Silurian of southem Norway
Broadhurst, F. M.
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift
Year: 1966 | Volume: 46 | Pages: 401-404 | article in journal
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