Virtual reference collection
Publications on hard and rockgrounds
Toom, U.
Library references
329 results
Ein hardground am Top eines kalkigen Tempestits im Mittleren Kimmeridge auf dem Kalkrieser Berg (Nordwestdeutschland)
Bertling, M.
Year: 1987 | Pages: 7-22 | article in journal
Neoichnology of a microtidal carbonate intertidal zone: Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.E
Brown, D., Corlett, H., Kibblewhite, T., Whitaker, F., Zonneveld, J., Gingras, M.
Year: 2024 | Volume: 39 | Pages: 344-361 | article in journal
Evolution of a Katian tropical hardground
Toom, U., Kröger, B., Knaust, D., Moghalu, O. A., Vörös, D., Vodrážková, S.
XI Baltic Stratigraphical Conference. Abstracts and Field Guide
Year: 2024 | Pages: 39-39 | abstract
Upper Ordovician carbon isotope chemostratigraphy and a high-resolution assessment of the Hirnantian Stage in the Baltic Sea subsurface
Gunnarsson, N., Calner, M., Rasmussen, C. M. Ø., Wu, R., Lehnert, O., Dahlqvist, P.
Year: 2024 | Volume: 145 | Pages: 123-153 | article in journal
Discontinuity surfaces in the Ordovician limestones of the easthern part of the peribaltic syneclise (NE Poland)
Jaworowski, K.
Acta Geologica Polonica
Year: 1972 | Volume: 22 | Pages: 711-734 | article in journal
A Bathonian hardground at Foss Cross, near Cirencester
Kershaw, S., Smith, R.
Year: 1986 | Volume: 15 | Pages: 156-179 | article in journal
A subaerially affected unconformity near the Wenlock–Ludlow (Silurian) boundary on east-central Gotland, Sweden
Eriksson, M. I.
Meeting Proceedings: Lundadagarna i Historisk Geologi och Paleontologi VIII
Year: 2003 | Volume: 125 | Pages: 105-105 | abstract
The trace fossil Thalassinoides paradoxicus Kennedy, 1967 revisited from its type locality (Albian-Cenomanian chalk, SE England)
Knaust, D.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Year: 2024 | Volume: 634 | Pages: 111913 | article in journal
Fe–Mn-encrusted “Kamenitza” and associated features in the Jurassic of Monte Kumeta (Sicily): subaerial and/or submarine dissolution?
Di Stefano, P., Mindszenty, A.
Sedimentary Geology
Year: 2000 | Volume: 132 | Pages: 37-68 | article in journal
Interaction of stratigraphic and sedimentological heterogeneities with flow in carbonate ramp reservoirs: impact of fluid properties and production strategy
Fitch, P. J. R., Jackson, M. D., Hampson, G. J., John, C. M.
Petroleum Geoscience
Year: 2014 | Volume: 20 | Pages: 7-26 | article in journal
Sulphate reduction associated with hardgrounds: Lithification afterburn!
Dickson, J., Wood, R., Bu Al Rougha, H., Shebl, H.
Sedimentary Geology
Year: 2008 | Volume: 205 | Pages: 34-39 | article in journal
Towards the standardization of sequence stratigraphy
Catuneanu, O., Abreu, V., Bhattacharya, J., Blum, M., Dalrymple, R., Eriksson, P., Fielding, C., Fisher, W., Galloway, W., Gibling, M., Giles, K., Holbrook, J., Jordan, R., Kendall, C., Macurda, B., Martinsen, O., Miall, A., Neal, J., Nummedal, D., Pomar, L., Posamentier, H., Pratt, B., Sarg, J., Shanley, K., Steel, R., Strasser, A., Tucker, M., Winker, C.
Earth-Science Reviews
Year: 2009 | Volume: 92 | Pages: 1-33 | article in journal
Drowning unconformities: Palaeoenvironmental significance and involvement of global processes
Godet, A.
Sedimentary Geology
Year: 2013 | Volume: 293 | Pages: 45-66 | article in journal
Isotope signatures associated with early meteoric diagenesis
Allan, J., Matthews, R.
Year: 1982 | Volume: 29 | Pages: 797-817 | article in journal
Carbonate Cementation in Coralline Algal Nodules in the Skagerrak, North Sea: Biochemical Precipitation in Undersaturated Waters
Alexandersson, T.
Journal of Sedimentary Research
Year: 1974 | Volume: 44 | Pages: 7-26 | article in journal
Recent littoral and sublittoral high-Mg calcite lithification in the Mediterranean
Alexandersson, T.
Year: 1969 | Volume: 12 | Pages: 47-61 | article in journal
Hiatuses and Core Correlations
Ivanova, E., Borisov, D., Murdmaa, I.
The Ioffe Drift
Year: 2021 | Pages: 145-159 | chapter in book
Oxygenation of the Baltoscandian shelf linked to Ordovician biodiversification
Lindskog, A., Young, S. A., Bowman, C. N., Kozik, N. P., Newby, S. M., Eriksson, M. E., Pettersson, J., Molin, E., Owens, J. D.
Nature Geoscience
Year: 2023 | article in journal
Secondary hardground-communities in the northern Gulf of Trieste, Adriatic Sea
Zuschin, M., Pervesler, P.
Senckenbergiana Maritima
Year: 1996 | Volume: 28 | Pages: 53–63 | article in journal
Structural features and taphonomic pathways of a high‐biomass epifauna in the northern Gulf of Trieste, Adriatic Sea
Zuschin, M., Stachowitsch, M., Pervesler, P., Kollmann, H.
Year: 1999 | Volume: 32 | Pages: 299-317 | article in journal
Rocky-shore unconformities marking the base of Badenian (Middle Miocene) transgressions on Mt. Medvednica basement (North Croatian Basin, Central Paratethys)
Brlek, M., Iveša, L., Brčić, V., Santos, A., Ćorić, S., Milošević, M., Avanić, R., Devescovi, M., Pezelj, Đ., Mišur, I., Miknić, M.
Year: 2018 | Volume: 64 | article in journal
Isotopic and trace element evidence for submarine lithification of hardgrounds in the Jurassic of eastern England
Marshall, J. D., Ashton, M.
Year: 1980 | Volume: 27 | Pages: 271-289 | article in journal
Kilop Cretaceous Hardground (Kale, Gümüshane, NE Turkey):description and origin
Eren, M., Tasli, K.
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
Year: 2002 | Volume: 20 | Pages: 433-448 | article in journal
Marine hardground in the Pennsylvanian Atoka Bank Carbonates, Eddy County, New Mexico
Eren, M.
Arabian Journal of Geosciences
Year: 2022 | Volume: 15 | Pages: 1646 | article in journal
Sequence stratigraphy and facies analysis of the NE Gondwana Middle Jurassic inner-platform mixed carbonate-siliciclastic succession, Saudi Arabia
Al-Mojel, A., Razin, P.
Arabian Journal of Geosciences
Year: 2022 | Volume: 15 | article in journal