Virtual reference collection

Estonian shelly phosphorite-related literature

ResTA Project


Phosphorite from the Iru outcrop

Geology, mining conditions, and valorization of the Estonian sedimentary phosphorites.

Library references

740 results
REE + Y distribution in Tremadocian shelly phosphorites (Toolse, Estonia): Multi-stages enrichment in shallow marine sediments during early diagenesis
Graul, S., Kallaste, T., Pajusaar, S., Urston, K., Gregor, A., Moilanen, M., Ndiaye, M., Hints, R.
Journal of Geochemical Exploration
Year: 2023 | Volume: 254 | Pages: 107311 | article in journal
Thermal Behavior of Estonian Graptolite–Argillite from Different Deposits
Kaljuvee, T., Tõnsuaadu, K., Einard, M., Mikli, V., Kivimäe, E., Kallaste, T., Trikkel, A.
Year: 2022 | Volume: 10 | Pages: 1986 | article in journal
Estonian Phosphate Rock Dissolution in Hydrochloric Acid: Optimization of Acid Dosage and Concentration
Tõnsuaadu, K., Kallas, J., Kallaste, T., Urtson, K., Einard, M., Martin, R., Kuusik, R., Trikkel, A.
Year: 2023 | Volume: 13 | Pages: 578 | article in journal
Early diagenetic transformation stages revealed by micro-analytical studies of shelly phosphorites, Rakvere region
Graul, S., Kallaste, T., Moilanen, M., Ndiaye, M., Hints, R.
Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences
Year: 2023 | Volume: 72 | Pages: 34-37 | article in journal
Eesti fosforiidid
Reinvald, I.
Year: 1962 | report
Aruanne eeluuringust Toolse fosforiidimaardlas 1966.-1967. a
Viru, I., Raudsep, R.
Year: 1968 | report
Eesti NSV fosforiidi varude bilansid aastatel 1948-1960
Rozanova, N., Voinova, S., Lapshina, S., Uldukis, T., Urgard, R.
Year: 1960 | report
Lingulid shell beds from the Ordovician of Argentina, with notes on other peri-Gondwanan occurrences
Aceñolaza, G. F., Emig, C., Gutiérrez-Marco, J. C.
Serie de Correlación Geológica
Year: 2003 | Volume: 17 | Pages: 237-244 | article in journal
Diagenetic migration of sulfides in sediments accumulated in different sedimentation settings
Gavrilov, Y. O.
Lithology and Mineral Resources
Year: 2010 | Volume: 45 | Pages: 120-135 | article in journal
Pyrite-bearing sandstone blocks, western Finland
Lonka, A., Papunen, H.
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland
Year: 1968 | Pages: 99-106 | article in journal
The key sections and stratigraphy of the phosphate-bearing Obulus beds on the Russian Platform
Popov, L., Khazanovitch, K., Borovko, N., Sergejeva, S., Soboleveskaja
Year: 1989 | Pages: 1-248 | book
The Lower Ordovician lithostratigraphical complexes in the southern Baltic
Lashkov, J.
Stratigrafiya nizhnego paleozoiya Pribaltiki i korreliyatsiya s drugimi regionarni.
Year: 1968 | Pages: 139-154 | article in book
Strategies for Sustainable and Circular Management of Phosphorus in the Baltic Sea Region: The Holistic Approach of the InPhos Project
Smol, M., Preisner, M., Bianchini, A., Rossi, J., Hermann, L., Schaaf, T., Kruopienė, J., Pamakštys, K., Klavins, M., Ozola-Davidane, R., Kalnina, D., Strade, E., Voronova, V., Pachel, K., Yang, X., Steenari, B., Svanström, M.
Year: 2020 | Volume: 12 | Pages: 2567 | article in journal
Sostoânie i perspektivy razvitiâ fosfatnosyr'evoj bazy Pribaltiki
Zagurajev, V. G., Laritškin, F. D.
Racional'noe ispol'zovanie Pribaltijskih fosforitov
Year: 1986 | Pages: 7-13 | article in book
Gipergennoe razloženie diktionemovogo slanca - istočnik kompleksnogo zagrâzneniâ okružaûŝej sredy
Pihlak, A.
Problemy ohrany litosfery v SSSR, čast' 1. Tez. soveŝ-seminara, Pârnu
Year: 1988 | Pages: 14-21 | abstract
Vliânie osvoeniâ fosforitovyh mestoroždenij Rakvereskogo rajona na gidrosferu v Èstonii
Vallner, L., Johannes, E., Jõgar, P., Karise, V., Hvalõnskaja, M.
Problemy ohrany litosfery v SSSR, čast' 1. Tez. soveŝ-seminara, Pârnu
Year: 1988 | Pages: 8-13 | abstract
Effect of Flotation Time and Collector Dosage on Estonian Phosphorite Beneficiation
Tamm, K., Arab Zadeh, Z., Kuusik, R., Kallas, J., Yang, J., Tõnsuaadu, K., Trikkel, A.
Year: 2021 | Volume: 11 | Pages: 114 | article in journal
KIKNATARCSARVTÜ Loodusmuuseumi geokogudEesti Loodusmuuseumi geoloogia osakond
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