Virtual reference collection

Dirk Knaust, bibliography

Toom, U.

Library references

98 results
3-D burrow morphology of Chondrites targionii (Brongniart, 1828) from an Upper Jurassic firmground of Southern Germany
Scharfenberg, F., Hoffmann, R., Knaust, D.
Year: 2025 | Pages: 1-17 | article in journal
Trace Fossils as Indicators of Sedimentary Environments
Knaust, D., Bromley, R. G.
Developments in Sedimentology
Trace Fossils as Indicators of Sedimentary Environments
Year: 2012 | Volume: 64 | chapter in book
The ichnogenus Ophiomorpha : Taxonomy and environmental distribution
Knaust, D.
Earth-Science Reviews
Year: 2024 | Pages: 104988 | article in journal
Middle Miocene trace fossils from the Tenes area (NW Algeria) and their palaeoenvironmental implications
Nemra, A., Tellal, J., Knaust, D., Bendella, M., Belkhedim, S., Ouali Mehadji, A.
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments
Year: 2024 | Volume: 104 | Pages: 327-362 | article in journal
The ichnospecies Tambia gregaria (Fritsch, 1908) comb. nov. from the Upper Ordovician of Czechia
Knaust, D., Mikuláš, R., Mángano, M., Netto, R., Buatois, L.
Bulletin of Geosciences
Year: 2022 | Volume: 97 | Pages: 165-177 | article in journal
A Balanoglossites-Trypanites ichnofabric from the Upper Ordovician warm-water carbonates of Estonia
Toom, U., Kröger, B., Knaust, D.
Following in the footsteps of Richard Granville Bromley. Abstracts and Field Guide
Year: 2023 | Pages: 38-38 | abstract
New records of Ctenopholeus in the early Devonian Hunsrück Slate of Bundenbach, SW Germany
Poschmann, M. J., Knaust, D., Schindler, T.
Year: 2023 | Volume: 30 | Pages: 150-156 | article in journal
The multifaceted ichnogenus Protovirgularia: Taxonomy, producers and environments
Knaust, D.
Earth-Science Reviews
Year: 2023 | Volume: 244 | Pages: 104511 | article in journal
Distinguishing borings and burrows in intraclasts: Evidence from the Cambrian (Furongian) of North China
Hu, Y., Strotz, L. C., Knaust, D., Wang, J., Liang, Y., Zhang, Z.
Sedimentary Geology
Year: 2023 | Volume: 443 | Pages: 106302 | article in journal
Lethaia Review Names for trace fossils 2.0: theory and practice in ichnotaxonomy
Bertling, M., Buatois, L. A., Knaust, D., Laing, B., Mángano, M. G., Meyer, N., Mikuláš, R., Minter, N. J., Neumann, C., Rindsberg, A. K., Uchman, A., Wisshak, M.
Year: 2022 | Volume: 55 | Pages: 1-19 | article in journal
Substrate lithification in early Cambrian carbonates triggered by intense bioturbation
Hu, Y., Topper. T. P., Strotz, L. C., Knaust, D., Liang, Y., Fu, R., Zhang, Z.
21st International Sedimentological Congress (Beijing 2022)
Year: 2022 | Pages: 585-585 | abstract
Die Karbonatrampe am SW-Rand des Persischen Golfes (V.A.E.) – rezentes Analogon für den Unteren Muschelkalk der Germanischen Trias?
Knaust, D .
Greifswalder Geowissenschaftliche Beiträge
Year: 1997 | Volume: 5 | Pages: 101-123 | article in journal
Sequenzstratigraphie und Mikrofazies der Röt-Muschelkalk-Grenze (Mittlere Trias) am Südrand des Thüringer Beckens
Knaust, D.
Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie
Year: 1996 | Pages: 173-188 | article in journal
Who were the tracemakers of Protovirgularia – Molluscs, arthropods, or annelids?
Knaust, D.
Gondwana Research
Year: 2022 | Volume: 111 | Pages: 95-102 | article in journal
Defining and refining principles in ichnotaxonomy: Markus Bertling (1959–2022)
Wisshak, M., Knaust, D., Vallon, L. H., Rindsberg, A. K.
Year: 2022 | Pages: 1-4 | article in journal
Thomas Webster's Tulip Alcyonium (Lamellaecylindrica, trace fossil) in the Upper Greensand Formation (Albian) of the Isle of Wight
Knaust, D.
Proceedings of the Geologists' Association
Year: 2022 | Volume: 133 | Pages: 137-147 | article in journal
Benthische Organismen mit Weichteilerhaltung und deren Spuren aus dem Oberen Muschelkalk von Thüringen
Knaust, D.
Trias Aufbruch in das Erdmittelalter 2
Year: 2022 | Pages: 430-437 | article in book
Limuliden und ihre Spuren in der Volpriehausen-Formation (Mittlerer Buntsandstein) von Baalberge (Sachsen-Anhalt)
Hauschke, N., Knaust, D., Kretschmer, S.
Trias Aufbruch in das Erdmittelalter 2
Year: 2022 | Pages: 341-347 | article in book
Arthropoden, Fische und Spurenfossilien in der Bernburg-Formation (Unterer Buntsandstein) von Beesenlaublingen (Sachsen-Anhalt)
Hauschke, N., Knaust, D., Scholze, F., Schneider, J. W., Kretschmer, S.
Trias Aufbruch in das Erdmittelalter 2
Year: 2022 | Pages: 341-347 | article in book
Spurenfossilien der Germanischen Trias
Knaust, D. Uchman, A. Schlirf, M., Szulc, J.
Trias Aufbruch in das Erdmittelaltee
Year: 2022 | Pages: 364-369 | article in book
The trace fossil Gyrolithes lorcaensis from the Lower Cretaceous of the Kopet-Dagh Basin, NE Iran
Moosavizadeh, S. M. A., Knaust, D.
Year: 2022 | Volume: 29 | Pages: 11-26 | article in journal
Middle Triassic bivalve traces from central Europe (Muschelkalk, Anisian): overlooked burrows of a common ichnofabric
Stachacz, M., Knaust, D., Matysik, M.
Paläontologische Zeitschrift
Year: 2021 | Volume: 96 | Pages: 175-196 | article in journal
Geochemistry, ichnology, and sedimentology of omission levels in Middle Triassic (Muschelkalk) platform carbonates of the Germanic Basin (southern Poland)
Matysik, M., Stachacz, M., Knaust, D., Whitehouse, M. J.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Year: 2022 | Volume: 585 | Pages: 110732 | article in journal
Computer-assisted stochastic multi-well correlation: Sedimentary facies versus well distality
Baville, P., Apel, M., Hoth, S., Knaust, D., Antoine, C., Carpentier, C., Caumon, G.
Marine and Petroleum Geology
Year: 2022 | Volume: 135 | Pages: 105371 | article in journal
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