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Hints, O. et al., 2008 (eds)

The Seventh Baltic Stratigraphical Conference. Abstracts and Field Guide

Hints, O., Ainsaar, L., Männik, P., Meidla, T. (eds)
PublisherGeological Society of Estonia
Publisher placeTallinn
Estonian author


9-9Middle and Upper Ordovician carbon isotope stratigraphy in Baltoscandia: towards a regional chemostratigraphic standardAinsaar, L., Kaljo, D., Martma, T., Meidla, T.
14-14A first report on the Upper Ordovician stratigraphy of the Borenshult-1 core, Motala, SwedenCalner, M., Lehnert, O.
15-15Biostratigraphic (graptolites, chitinozoans, brachiopods) and chemostratigraphic (C) correlations between latest Ordovician strata in Laurentia and BalticaDelabroye, A., Vecoli, M., Nõlvak, J., Uutela, A.
16-16Trilobite taxonomy of the Middle and Upper Ordovician of western Leningrad district (Russia) and northern EstoniaDolgov, O.
17-17Mishina Gora section and its position on the Ordovician facies profileDronov, A. V.
21-21Correlation of the Middle und Upper Ordovician rocks of Baltoscandia using CONOP9: preliminary resultsGoldman, D., Klosterman, S. L., Nõlvak, J., Sheets, H. D., Miller, G. C.
22-22Facies and sequences of the Vormsi Stage of the East BalticHarris, M. T., Hints, L., Nõlvak, J.
23-23Lake ecosystem responses to Holocene environmental changes: two diatom-based high-resolution case studies from southern EstoniaHeinsalu, A., Poska, A., Veski, S.
24-24Biogeography of early Paleozoic scolecodont-bearing polychaetes: new data from South China and TarimHints, O., Li, J., Tang, P., Yan, K.
25-25Multiphase Silurian bentonites from western Estonia: possible diagenetic patwaysHints, R., Kirsimäe, K., Somelar, P., Kallaste, T., Kiipli, T.
26-26The key section of the Shundorovo Formation (the Idavere Regional Stage) in the western part of St. Petersburg Region: lithostratigraphy and sedimentologyIskyul, G., Fedkovets, A.
29-29Ordovician-Silurian boundary beds at Neitla, North Estonia: sedimentological and carbon isotpic signatures of events, some consequencesKaljo, D., Einasto, R., Martma, T.
30-30Unusual quartz forms in Ordovician bentonitesKallaste, T., Kiipli, T., Kleesment, A.
32-32Late Silurian tessellated heterostracans from the East Baltic and North TimanKaratajūtė-Talimaa, V., Märss, T.
33-33Reconstruction of currents in the Ordovician-Silurian Baltic BasinKiipli, E.
34-34A new correlation tool: chemostratigraphy based on the sanidine composition of bentonites - recent achievements and future perspectivesKiipli, T., Kallaste, T.
35-35Microfossil dynamics and biostratigraphy in the Väo Formation (Darriwilian) of NW EstoniaKilling, M., Hints, O., Nõlvak, J., Vecoli, M., Viira, V.
36-36Fossil ostracod fauna from the sediment intrusions at the Osmussaar IslandKivioja, K., Tinn, O.
37-37Some lithological signatures on basin evolution in Baltic Devonian sequencesKleesment, A.
38-38The paleoecological dimension of the nautiloid diversification during the Ordovician in the context of marine trophic webKröger, B., Servais, T.
39-39Systematic position, distribution and shell structure of the Devonian brachiopod Bicarinatina bicarinata (Kutorga)Lang, L., Puura, I.
40-40δ13C record of the Upper Ordovician succession of the Borenshult-1 core (Motala, Sweden) and its intracontinental correlationLehnert, O., Calner, M., Joachimski, M., Buggisch, W., Nõlvak, J.
41-41A first δ18O record from conodont apatite across the Lower Silurian Ireviken Event in EstoniaLehnert, O., Männik, P., Joachimski, M., Buggisch, W.
42-42Succession of the stratigraphical units of the Upper Pleistocene in EstoniaLiivrand, E.
43-43Devonian trace fossils from the Andoma Hill (Onega Lake, Russia)Lukševičs, E., Mikuláš R., Ivanov A., Zupiņš I.
46-46A Middle Devonian holonematid arthrodire with unusual ornament from EstoniaMark-Kurik, E.
47-47Recognising the Givetian Taghanic Event in the Devonian Baltic Basin and its importance as a high-resolution international correlation datumMarshall, J. E. A., Plink-Björklund, P., Mark-Kurik, E.
48-48Taphonomic experiments in ostracod researchMastik, V., Tinn, O.
49-49Reflection of the Mulde Event in the chitinozoan succession of the east BalticNestor, V.
52-52Distribution of proetid trilobites in BaltoscandiaPopp, A., Pärnaste, H.
53-53Ordovician calcareous sandstone and gravellite erratic boulders from Hiiumaa: composition and originPõldsaar, K., Ainsaar, L.
54-54Examples of taphonomic alteration of shell structure and composition in lingulate brachiopodsPuura, I., Uibopuu, E., Lang, L., Nemliher, J.
55-55The crystalline basement of Estonia: rock complexes of the Paleoproterozoic Orosirian and Statherian and Mesoproterozoic Calymmian Periods, and regional correlationsPuura, V., Kirs, J., Klein, V., Konsa, M., Koppelmaa, H., Niin, M., Soesoo, A., Urtson, K.
56-56Wenlock bentonites in Lithuania in the frame of graptolite stratigraphyRadzevičius, S., Kiipli, T., Kallaste, T., Motuza, V., Jeppsson, L.
57-57On the Quaternary time scale and Physical age of Estonian Pleistocene depositsRaukas, A.
59-59Ordovician fluvial erratcs from Baltica in the Netherlands and northern GermanyRhebergen, F.
60-60Stratigraphic correlation of the Baltic Silurian sections by implemening CONOP softwareRubel, M., Sibul, I., Nestor, V.
61-61Litorina Sea transgression based on the study of the sediment sequence of the ancient Vääna lagoonSaarse, L., Heinsalu, A., Veski, S.
63-63The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event: Linked to phytoplankton evolution or the asteroid impacts?Servais, T., Hints, O., Kröger, B., Nõlvak, J., Vecoli, M., Wallin, Å.
64-64Correlation of Ordovician rocks by gamma ray logs and petrophysical data: case study from South EstoniaShogenov, K., Shogenova, A.
68-68Exceptionally preserved algal flora from the Silurian of EstoniaTinn, O., Meidla, T., Ainsaar, L., Pani, T.
69-69Ordovician ostracods from the Mishina Gora section, RussiaTinn, O., Meidla, T., Ainsaar, L., Dronov, A. V.
72-72New data on Estonian Late-Glacial chronology and environment: evidence from Lake Nakri, Southern EstoniaVeski, S., Amon, L., Heinsalu, A.
73-73Lower and Middle Ordovician conodonts from south-eastern Estonia and adjacent Pskov region of RussiaViira, V., Löfgren, A.
77-79Notes on the geology of EstoniaPuura, I.
83-92Ordovician and Silurian bentonites of EstoniaKiipli, T.
85-86Stop A1: Pääsküla HillockKiipli, T.
86-87Stop A2: VarbolaKiipli, T.
87-87Stop A3: Orgita quarryKiipli, T.
87-88Stop A4: ValguKiipli, T.
88-88Stop A5: Särghaua field stationKiipli, T.
89-89Stop A6: Avaste terraceKiipli, T.
89-89Stop A7: Päri quarry (see also stop C1)Kiipli, T.
90-90Stop A8: Ristna cliffKiipli, T.
91-92Stop A9: Pakri cliff (see also stop B3)Kiipli, T., Hints, O.
92-92Stop A10: Peetri outcropKiipli, T.
95-98The Ordovician System in EstoniaMeidla, T., Ainsaar, L., Hints, O.
98-100Stop B1: Jägala Waterfall sectionMeidla, T.
100-104Stop B2: Ordovician-Silurian boundary in Estonia: localities at Porkuni and NeitlaKaljo, D., Einasto, R., Hints, L.
105-106Stop B3: Baltic Klint at Saka and ValasteTinn, O.
107-109Stop B4/D1: Narva quarryAinsaar, L., Tänavsuu, K.
113-114The Silurian System in EstoniaHints, O.
115-116Stop C1: Päri quarryKaljo, D., Einasto, R.
116-117Stop C2: Pulli cliffJürgenson, E., Nestor, H.
118-120Stop C4: Panga cliffRubel, M., Einasto, R.
118-118Stop C3: Paramaja cliff and Jaani coastMännil, Reet
121-121Stop C5: Abula cliffEinasto, R.
122-122Stop C6: Suuriku, Kuriku and Undva cliffsMärss, T., Jürgenson, E.
123-123Stop C7: Jaagarahu quarryEinasto, R.
124-125Stop C9: Soeginina cliffViira, V., Einasto, R.
124-124Stop C8: Elda cliffMärss, T.
126-127Stop C11: Kaugatuma and Lõo cliffsEinasto, R.
126-126Stop C10: Katri cliffMärss, T.
128-129Stop C12: Ohesaare cliffNestor, H.
132-132Stop C13: Kaarma quarryEinasto, R.
133-135Stop C14: Kaali meteorite cratersTiirmaa, R.
135-136Stop C15: Tagavere quarryNestor, V., Einasto, R.
136-137Stop C16: Kübassaare cliffMärss, T., Jürgenson, E.
141-141The Devonian System in EstoniaKleesment, A.
142-142Stop D2: Kallaste cliffTänavsuu, K.
142-142Stop D2: Kallaste cliffKleesment, A.
143-144Stop D3: Taevaskoda cliffsKleesment, A.
144-145Stop D4: Ilumetsa impact cratersPlado, J.
145-146Stop D5: Tabina sand pitTänavsuu, K.
146-147Stop D6: Härma cliffsKleesment, A.
147-148Stop D7: Tiirhanna quarryAinsaar, L.
148-148Stop D8: Marinova quarryAinsaar, L.
149-149Stop D9: Ape quarryAinsaar, L.
150-150Stop D10: Helme outcropsKleesment, A.
151-151Stop D11: Tamme outcropTänavsuu, K.
Last change: 26.10.2020
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